These last couple weeks have flown by. I’ve really enjoyed my time here in Madrid, and especially enjoyed my experience with my host family. Not only was the family extremely welcoming and acted like a real family to me, but it was also an experience like no other. To live with a group of people…
Wichtige Deutscher Wörter
There are so many words that carry a great deal of importance in the German language. To an American studying abroad, there are a few that are important to committing to memory before setting foot on German soil. An important adjective to know its billig. Billig means cheap, and it is important to know what…
T – 4 days till I’m Fiji/New Zealand bound!
4 DAYS! That is how long it will be before I am in Fiji, and then after that – New Zealand. It is surreal that after a semester of preparing for this journey, it is finally here. You can say that I am a little nervous, though excited, to embark. Although I have always loved…
First Though of Madrid
First Though of Madrid Never had I missed a flight; I planned accordingly whenever I needed to commute the airport. This day however, a political rally had made it impossible to cross a road necessary to reach the airport. My streak was now on jeopardy, on the one day where would fly to Europe for…
Some Important Deutsch Words
The following is a list of Deutsch words that I won’t forget. Most are included because of the commonness with which I or othersl speak them, but a few are included because of a personal fondness. 1) Das Frettchen, die Frettchen – (noun) ferret. I have included Frettchen because my boyfriend loves them. When we…
10 most important German words/Phrases
The most important phrase I have learned is ein Bisschen – a little. In the beginning of the trip I knew very little German and struggled speaking it, instead returning to English which many people here know. When I learned how to say ein Bisschen, I was able to tell them I know a little…
New Words I’ve Learned
We’ve been talking about feelings and emotions in my class this past week, and I found this helpful because thus far I’ve only known how to express when I like or don’t like something. That being said, here are some of the new words I’ve learned in order to express myself: Die Wut: Fury I…
German words everyone should know
The blog assignment for this semester is to write about 10 german words that we think are important. The first two that I want to mention are more sayings then just a word. Kurz und prägnant is the german way of saying what in dutch is kort en krachtig and would translate to dutch as short and…
Reflection-Jessica Martin
Martin-Reflection Paper
Wichtige Wörter, or things for us “Amerikaner” to know…..
Although most of us identify ourselves as poor Americans the moment try to say something, there are some words that are helpful to know. Even us Amerikaner should learn that to ask for “eine Eiskugel, bitte,” for instance (yes, Kugel, pl. Kugeln, is a feminine word). There are so many wonderful looking icecream shops around Münster, and…