Das Drücken: Push I first encountered this word on a door in the hotel. It was either push and pull and knowing which one is which will save time. Die Kirche: Church Das Rauchen: Smoking Der Regen: Rain The reason I have decided to remember the word for rain is because it rains often here. …
Blog 2
Verspäten: to be late This sentence appeared on the train station board. I hoped it meant the train was late and not cancelled or a platform change. Die Ankunft: arrival Back to riding the train to Kapito each day or taking the bus. Die Wäsche: wash clothes I didn’t pack enough clothes to last four…
Last Days in Madrid!
I absolutely cannot believe our field study in Madrid is coming to an end. It feels like we got here yesterday! I have fallen in love with the city, it’s architecture, people, and food. I leave next Friday and I am dreading every minute of it. The weather has warmed up, which makes the heavy…
The History of Ho Chi Minh City
By Lauren Cooper
The Thought of Leaving Truly Hurts My Heart
The past few weeks have been really hard. It’s exam time here and a lot of my Kiwi friends have gone home to study, thus meaning we have had to say our goodbyes already. I never realized I could grow so close to the friends I have made here in such a short period of…
billboard campaign
At the train station some billboards caught my eye that had wide-eyed characters — like this one. I did not get the significance at first. “Wachtel” = quail. Then in the lower righthand corner I read “vielviel koffein” = lotsa caffeine. Aha! Lot of caffeine makes you wide awake = “wach”! “Wach”tel = wide-awake…
Verano in Madrid
My time in Madrid has been completely fascinating. Part of immersing myself within the culture includes daily strolls, wandering through different streets while somehow managing to find my way home every time. The lifestyle here is so much different than the fast paced American lifestyle. In Spain, people start their day after the sun rises,…
Retiro Park in Madrid
My favorite place in Madrid is a beautiful park called Retiro Park. It’s easy access from the metro, every day that I can I jump on the Red Line and get off the Retiro stop, and the exit leads right into one of the many walking paths. My first time walking into the park greeted…
Trip to Toledo
So far here in Madrid up until the halfway point I have seen a lot of sights, eaten a lot of food and have had a lot of cervezas. But so far my favorite experience hasn’t occured in Madrid it actually occurred in a city about 45 minutes south, in the city Toledo. Toledo is…