On June 4th, I met up with my moms best friend from college, Tami, who was here in Madrid for the weekend. First, we met up at the apartment she was staying at where we had a gin and tonic and Jamón, Brie, y Pan, and caught up on each other’s lives; we hadn’t seen…
Spain is a country that clashes with America in almost every way possible. Everything from language barriers, history, diet, drinking habits, government type, clothing, manners, hobbies and lifestyle choices. So far, I have done a majority of the “must see” things in Madrid, but some of my favorite days have been exploring and finding random…
My New Family
Before I came to Germany, I wasn’t expecting to have any sort of special bond with the people who were housing me; I was here to study and experience the German culture and language. However, I already feel very close to and welcomed by the family that I’m staying with. My host-mom and her 9-year-old…
Palacio Real
Although I have lived and traveled to several other countries in my life, I didn’t know exactly what to expect from Spain prior to my arrival here. But I must say that since I have been here, I am certainly enjoying myself. One of the most exquisite things that I have experienced since I have been here in…
Miami to Madrid
Spain Blog Miami to Madrid Spain, best described as one of the largest traveling “leaps” I have ever made. On the plane I questioned my decision to travel to a country where the only words I knew, in the entire language, where from a free app on my phone. Upon landing in Madrid I must…
Spain Blog
Spain Blog Before coming to Spain, I had no idea what to expect. I had never traveled outside the country without my mother before and the anticipation leading up to the very moment was relentless. When arriving to Madrid, I was happy to hear that we were staying at a hotel the first night. The…
Me Gusta España
I would sooner be a foreigner in Spain than in most countries. How easy it is to make friends in Spain! -George Orwell Living within the suburbs of New York City, I wholeheartedly believed I was up to the challenge of navigating Spain. To my surprise, however, Madrid is unlike any other city I have ever been to….
One of my favorite experiences this trip has been the entire group going to Toledo for the day. It was incredible to see one of the oldest cities in Spain and the religious center of the country. We walked around, visiting so many famous destinations. Including the massive cathedral. Since this is my first time…