Prior coming to Italy, I have never used the public transportation system in the United States besides in New York. Thus, I did not have high expectations on how reliable or safe Italy’s transportation would be. To get to certain classes I have to take the metro system which is essentially the subway. It is…
Blog #2 Post (Rome ISA)
One cultural difference I have noticed since starting the semester in Rome, Italy, is the common practice of a siesta. At the beginning of the semester, I went to the bookstore to get my textbooks for my classes, I was caught off guard as the bookstore was closed upon arrival even though it was 2:00…
Blog Post #2
When I first stepped onto the streets of Osaka, I felt like I’d been handed a kaleidoscope. Every twist brought a new pattern, a fresh perspective. As an American student, I’ve been spoon-fed tales of Japan’s technological marvels and economic might. But living here is like watching a live orchestra instead of hearing a recording….
Blog Post #2
One thing of many things I’ve noticed while in Australia is the difference in the way they perceive and utilise their time here. The first example of this I see in restaurants, stores, bars, and clubs too. Coffee shops usually close from 1 to 3 pm. Other stores, like pharmacies or big box stores, close…
Blog Post #2
One thing that I have found to be very different are invitations. In the US someone may invite you to join them in an activity that they are planning to do, for example they might say “Do you want to go to the store with Carl and I?” However, while studying over here in Australia…
Oviedo Blog #2
The public transportation system has stood out to me in Oviedo because it is easily accessible with routes to almost anywhere in the city. It has made me reflect on my first few months at Rollins when I did not have my car on campus. It was difficult to navigate resources off campus due to…
Blog Post #2
The absolute, heavy reliance and need for public transportation has been one of the biggest things that has stood out to me about my host country in the month and a half of being here. After looking it up, I found that Parisians use public transportation 11,267,000 per day on average. Whether that be the…
Australia SIT: Blog #2
Our immersive Aboriginal Studies camping trip along the rocky banks of the Clarence River, coupled with the insightful introduction to Aboriginal culture from the supplied readings from the program, initiated a personal decampment of the boundaries of conventional education. This journey led me to the very heart of Aboriginal doctrine, giving me the chance to…