I have done a bunch so far in October!! I went to the National Rugby League final and my good friend Tiffany and I were the ONLY ones from TEAN who stayed the full game. You learn in baseball to ALWAYS wait/ have faith up to the very last inning! So we kept cheering for…
September part 2
I’ve done quite a bit since my last post!! This entry will be dedicated to September. I went to an opera at the Sydney Opera House (of course) called the Marriage of Figaro. It was fully in Italian which made it slightly difficult to follow, but I still managed to stay until the end. It…
Last Week of October
This month has been crazy. First of all, fashion is officially over – and as someone interested in fashion who also plans to work in the industry, plus being in Paris for the holy grail of weeks out of the year, it was a lot to keep up with. The internship I have hear was…
October Week 1
The first week of October has been very interesting. I’m starting to get a very good feel for all of my classes and how to handle the fact that they’re entirely in French. My Impressionism course would be too easy if it were in English, but the French art vocabulary is something I do not…
(Pictured: Sarajevo, the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina) This week we lead an excursion to Bosnia and Herzegovina. A land that just a short 20 years ago experienced a war so horrific, and terrors that haven’t been seen on European soil since World War II. While the stay in the two cities of Sarajevo,…
Non-existing existence
(Newborn references the new nation of Kosovo, interesting to note it is written in English) Two weeks ago we went to Kosovo. A territory very contested in terms of sovereignty. At it stands as of current, 111 countries of the 193 United Nations members (A little over 55%). Among the countries that do not recognize…
Ciao Ciao!
Hello readers! Cooler weather is finally arriving! It finally seems like the days of dripping sweat on a daily basis and getting eaten alive by mosquitos are almost to an end. Midterms are also coming up (not as pumped for this like the new weather), so things are staying pretty quiet and focused until we…
Spring? Anyone?
Don’t be fooled. New Zealand is COLD. Especially for a Floridian, and ESPECIALLY in the South Island, in Dunedin. Way too close to the South Pole for my comfort zone. I thought it would be okay, three layers a day for half the time here, not bad. Just last week, it snowed on the Kepler…
Finals are going to happen
So finals are spread out over a month after classes end. It’s pretty easy to fall into a blanket of false security if your finals are like mine and all at the end of the month. So with so much time what to do? Travel! If you play your cards right, you can get a…
Surviving and thriving in Paris
I’ve come to learn that a tourist visits Paris, a Parisian exists in Paris, and a transplant first survives and then thrives – under the right conditions. These conditions almost exclusively require an individual to have the characteristic of a very, very, very, very open minded, patient, willing to try new things, and mostly, remain…