After being in London for almost a month, I can say that London is a very multicultural city. Over 200 languages are spoken throughout the different neighborhoods. The fact of having many different cultures in the same place makes the city vibrant and exciting with very different streets, food, and people from all over the…
I feel that a huge aspect of U.S. culture is simply saying hello or smiling to people you see on the street, in a coffee shop, or in a gym. Many people assume that if you do not smile or say hello, that you are a rude person, or in a bad mood. I personally…
ISA Rome Blog Post #1
An aspect of the US culture that differs from many other countries is our eating habits along with the style of restaurants we eat at. In American culture, it is notable that we have the tendency to consume large quantities of food. Additionally, our food is associated with large gatherings and social events. Americans embrace…
Blog Post #1
For better or for worse, living for the future instead of in the present is a prominent way of living in American culture. Often we choose or are encouraged to make sacrifices in our present realities to ensure future security. Sometimes this strategy is productive. For example, applying restraint or discipline in areas such as…
ISA Rome – Blog Post #1
American culture is characterized by the prominence of individualism and self-reliance, a tenet intricately woven into the nation’s history and core values. In contrast to many cultures around the world that place a high value on communal welfare and social harmony, the United States places a high value on the individual’s right to self-determination and…
The U.S. Melting Pot
The U.S. refers to itself as a sort of melting pot for different cultures and people. What is U.S. culture but a collection of other’s. For a broad example, take the east coast, Midwest, south, and west coast and compare them. There are drastic differences between social norms and views throughout this country. For a…
Pre- Study Abroad Prompt
The United States is a country with various cultures, however, I believe that the individualistic culture dominates. There is a certain mindset that is common in the United States. I believe that although the United States has different cultures, these cultures are expected to act a certain way. The American Dream is one of them;…
Blog 1 – Letters to America
Being an international student from the Dominican Republic, my exposure to US culture came into clear focus when I started my first study abroad journey at Rollins College. Consequently, my outlook has been significantly influenced by my time in the United States as a student. As an observer from abroad, an initial observation I made…
Pre-Oviedo Departure Post
1. Factually, U.S. culture is marked by a strong emphasis on consumerism. Consumerism refers to the tendency for people to acquire and consume goods and services at a high rate. It involves not only purchasing products but also the constant pursuit of newer and better possessions. Advertising and marketing play a significant role in promoting…