It’s been a while since my last post and for good reason. Right now, I’m sitting in the computer lab of the Center for International Education here at Kansai Gaidai, surrounded by students who are all tweaking essays and cramming for exams within the next few hours. Just like in the US, people’s social lives…
Everything Sounds Better in a Scottish Accent
This weekend I made a trip to Scotland. I have a friend who is currently studying in Glasgow, so I decided to stay with her for the 3 day weekend. When I booked my flights, I never realized how time consuming it is to actually get to the airport. I left the house at 4am…
Secret Kaikoura
There are so many great places to visit in New Zealand. Everywhere you turn, the photo opportunity is unreal. The pictures you take of the mountains and beaches will probably look like the perfect vacation destinations Microsoft has for backgrounds. The problem is where to go? So many places so little time. I was lucky…
Sorry Mom….
This one is for you adrenaline junkies(you know who you are). Wanaka and Queenstown. You’ll find your way over there. Probably more than once. Let’s start with bungy jumping. I had 2 rules. One. Dive when you jump. Other jumps are probably much more uncomfortable and possibly more dangerous. Two. Once you are finished falling,…
Exploring London
This past weekend was the first time that I finally visited some touristy spots in London. I went and saw Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, and the London Eye. It was cool to see them up close, and to take my own pictures. Westminster Abbey was really pretty, and I want to try and…
Letter 4 The current state of Hochschule sometime in October
Word count: 401 So fall is upon us, and let me tell you growing up in Florida I was excited to see the change in foliage, which all my Northeastern friends have spoken to me about. The only problem is it’s not the same change in foliage you might throw up on Instagram. This…
The Art of Packing
So it’s the day before you leave and you’re figuring out how to stuff a weeks worth of living into a carry-on and a backpack. I’ve been there! Some items are obvious (i.e. clothes, toothbrush, cell phone) but others can be easily forgotten. I’m particularly forgetful and negligent so I always take 5 minutes and make…
Trapped in Paradise
A learning moment while studying abroad occurred during my visit to Cannes, France. Located only 2.5-3 hours from Aix-en-Provence, Cannes is the world renown location of the Cannes Film Festival and vacation spot of some of earth’s wealthiest inhabitants. Unfortunately for me, I did not have this luxurious experience. Cannes had the worst rain it…
Bonjour! #ParisWeekend
This past weekend was unreal, going to Paris for the weekend was something I never thought I would be able to experience. One of my favorite activities was biking through Paris. Riding on the roads and getting to see many famous monuments like the Eiffel Tower and the Notre Dame was awesome. Also, riding on…
Adventure #3: American Samoa
This past week, our group flew in an 18 seater Polynesian Airlines plane to American Samoa. Going in to another home stay, I was hesitant thinking there was no way I would get so lucky with my families twice in a row. I, once again, was in for a wonderful surprise. We were greeted by…