My first class is over! Tomorrow, I will leave for a backpacking tour around Europe with one of the girls I met here. We are starting our adventure in London. Then we are off to Basel, Budapest, Krakow, Amsterdam, and finally Liverpool. These next two weeks have been incredibly difficult to plan, but with the…
It’s London Time
I have been in London for just over a week, and so much has happened. It is overwhelming and exciting to think about everything I have done so far and everything that awaits me for this semester. It is amazing how much I have grown in such a short amount of time, and I hope…
Royal National Park
This is my blog entry from my outdoor education class, I thought it would be perfect for this. The trip to the Royal National Park was absolutely unforgettable. From the bus ride there (and the walk to the bus since I saw black yellowtailed cockatoos) I was majorly enthusiastic about seeing mountain-looking things out of…
So Much to Do!
I knew London had numerous places to visit and explore, which is why I chose to study abroad here. In the past few days I had the chance to see some of the well-known monuments and places around London! The Buckingham Palace was on the top of my list for things I wanted to see…
Settling in the Big City
Well, it’s official, I’ve been living in London for almost a week now and I’m loving it so far! I’m getting use to living with five other girls, all six of us get along and have numerous things in common concerning our hobbies and interests so it’s been really fun! The flat is small but absolutely…
Armando Abroad: “Isn’t it dangerous!?”
I spent a lot of time pre-departure ensuring friends and family that Jordan is a safe and stable part of the Middle East and that they needn’t worry excessively about my safety. The staff here spent almost as much time convincing us of the same thing during our Day 1 orientation. All the pre-departure research…
My Auzzie Internship
As a kid, I never knew what the word job really meant. For me it was nothing more than a broad term only adults could handle. A few years go by and I find myself in Australia, the other corner of the world, about to have my first job interview with the CEO of a…
London’s my Playground
It’s officially the end of day of day 5 in London, and to say that the wait for this experience was worth it, is an understatement. Between moving in, traveling via tube, orientation, and site seeing, my schedule has been so full since touching down. It has been a lot to take in, but I’m…
The First Chapter: The International Summer Programme
I am entering my final week in the Lancaster University International Summer Programme. While I am excited to take a break, this class has been so incredibly informative and I have met some amazing people. When I first arrived, I did not have a single clue as to what to expect out of this course,…
Note-to-self: don’t lose your passport.
I’ve never left the country, never been in an airplane over open water and I’ve definitely never been so far away from home. In one day I won’t be able to say that anymore. In twenty-four hours, I’m about to do something that I didn’t know I was brave enough to do. I know that…