Whenever I’d asked my friends about their study abroad experience in Shanghai, they’d casually mention the kind locals, vivid nightlife, beautiful countryside, pollution and the lack of toilet paper in public restrooms. What they would never fail to mention is the genuine joy and satisfaction that comes from eating Shanghai–and thus, Chinese–cuisine. “Well, sure. Who doesn’t adore…
“Oviedo Is North of Madrid”
I feel very confident in saying that a perfect one hundred percent of those I have conversed with regarding my trip to Spain have asked where it is in relation to Madrid. Although it has been very amusing, I always appreciate the question because it allows me appear to be more knowledgeable of the country than I…
My Internship
Before arriving to Sydney, I was hoping to receiving an internship with a company to gain some work experience and fulfill my major requirements. Luckily, I received an internship at the Sydney Uni Sport and Fitness. I absolutely love it! The people are just so laid back and nice. I am working for the Elite…
My Amazing Host Family
I am having the most amazing time in Sydney! I honestly cannot believe how much I love living with a family instead of living with friends in an apartment. Originally, I was a little upset about leaving the other Rollins students and having to live with a family on my own. I now realize how…
Dust in the Eastward Wind
As I brace myself for the immensity of the journey ahead, I look back to my roots; I was born in Germany, with Parents both from Former Yugoslavia. I had the privilege of growing up both in Germany, and the USA, however only visiting the Former Yugoslav region a few times. As I get ready…
Ciao Italia!
Summer has finally come to an end. After waiting for months for this moment to arrive, my bags are packed, I am checked in and I have my passport in hand. I am ready to start an adventure in The Eternal City! Since I was young I have always been fascinated with the Italian culture….
Tel Aviv Graffiti
Coming to Tel Aviv, I was not prepared for the onslaught of graffiti. Studying in such an ancient place one would assume that everything looks like its been there for hundreds of years. This is not the case in Tel Aviv. Though it backs up to the ancient port city of Jaffa, the actual city of…
Twiddling My Thumbs
4 days 9 hours 45 minutes, but who’s counting? Me. I’m counting. It would be a lie if I said that my live countdown to London hasn’t been a the theme of my summer. Some people might think that focusing too much on what’s to come distracts from appreciating the present moment; however, I disagree….
Auf Wiedersehen America
Well, it’s finally time for me to leave for Germany. I’ve been expecting it for two years now, and I feel prepared and have said goodbye to all of my friends. My last day in Minnesota I spent kayaking with my brother, and finalizing everything I’ve packed for the past three days. I’m going to…
London: Pre Departure
Well, here it is! The day is finally here. The day I have been both looking forward to and trying to prolong. Tomorrow afternoon I fly to Boston to meet up with my roommate, Dina. I am so excited to see her and to see Boston, as I have never been there before! I am…