After a summer full of traveling and exploring, my friends and family must all think I’m crazy to once again be embarking on yet another foreign journey. Just weeks ago I returned from a whirlwind 6 week long backpacking trip across Europe, in which I visited 12 countries and never stayed in the same place…
Studying Abroad: Pre-Departure
It’s unreal to think that I will be studying abroad in London, as well as taking part in an internship program. I always knew I wanted to study abroad while in college, so getting the chance to do so is truly a blessing. Before receiving the pre-departure email I was extremely anxious because I didn’t…
The Next Step in My Journey Through Life!
Ciao, Looking back at all the wonderful experiences that I have been fortunate to be apart of, I realize that this next experience will probably be the biggest, so far! While sitting at my dinning room table and typing this paragraph, I found myself reflecting on my life. Growing up in a small Connecticut town and living a somewhat…
(Somewhat) Ready for Departure
It’s so surreal to imagine that I will be in Rome within the next 48 hours! This whole summer has been leading up to my upcoming semester and now that the moment has arrived, it still has not struck me. Before entering college I always had an inclination that I would one day see myself…
2 days left to go.
What a rush. I have two days to go before I board a plan to take me half way around the world to Shanghai, China. I have never wandered out of the country before and China feels like a huge leap for the first place to become lost in. The past few days have been…
The day before departure.
What an exciting, thrilling, and bumpy summer it has been. My life has gone up and down, side to side, and even curves I couldn’t see coming were thrown. But it was all with a greater purpose in the end. All leading up to this moment — departure time. In just a couple of months…
Fall 2015 in Japan
After many months of planning, today is finally the day I leave to study abroad in Japan! Going to Japan has always been a dream of mine, and to get the opportunity to be there for a semester has been pretty exciting for me. This last month of August, I’ve been visiting a lot of…
Destination #1: Honolulu
Today marks day 1 of travels with two days to go before orientation begins. After traveling about 11 hours to arrive in Honolulu, we have made it to our hostel. Having a few days to get adjusted to the time change and settle in, it did not really feel like leaving when I left. Also…
Pre-departure to London
As of right now, I have mixed emotions about my trip. Of course I am excited, however I am also nervous for going into a new place that I have never been to before. I have heard some amazing stories about the wonderful experiences to be had in London. I have heard that some must…