It feels a bit surreal to say, “I am leaving, in less than a week, to live in Japan for four months.” A myriad of coincidences and life events have brought me to realize this expedition has been an unconscious dream of mine, now turned into a conscious reality. I say this to remind you,…
Letters to America: Blog Post One
There are many different ways people value time. A significant aspect of the United States culture is that time is valued in the sense of how it can be used productively. As a goal-oriented society, a common perspective is that in order to be successful, every second of every day should be used to work…
¡Chau Argentina!
The multicultural country of Argentina is filled with hospitable people, beautiful architecture, vibrant culture, and high biodiversity. Going into my abroad experience, I had made assumptions that Argentine culture would be very similar to my Puerto Rican culture. However, I quickly learned how different each Latin American country is, how there are many variations of…
Australia SIT: Pre-Departure Blog, The American Dream
If you were brought up within the boundaries of the U.S. education system, you were most likely required to analyze a painting from 1872 of a woman in a white dress floating west, as your teacher explained to you what the American Dream is. Or was. Or is supposed to be. The American Dream was…
Letters to America: Australia
William Luckettt While studying abroad in Australia, I learned about many different customs specific to Australia. I found that getting used to cars and pedestrians travelling on the left side rather than the right. That only really affected me when I was crossing the road, but I still had to pay very close attention to…
New Zealand Reflection
My time abroad in New Zealand is one I will never forget. New Zealand is a small, simple, and beautiful place with kind people and many things to do. Life in New Zealand was very similar to how I expected it. While studying abroad, I balanced my school work with traveling and exploring the country…
Pre-Study Abroad Blog Prompt 1
An aspect of American culture that is objectively a general characteristic of people from the United States is being outspoken and loud. This results from the constitutional right of having freedom of speech. Freedom of Speech is a right that has integrated into collective societal behaviors. This often includes protesting, publicly disagreeing with figures of…
Lancaster Blog Post #1
Growing up in Kentucky, I am accustomed to the concept of “Southern hospitality.” This is a stereotypical view of the Southern region of the United States where individuals tend to go out of their way to be welcoming, kind, and helpful to strangers. It typically requires individuals to take time from their lives to actively…
Reflecting on the U.S. culture
The U.S. is a place that can be described using many terms, the U.S. can wear many hats. However, one of the more noticeable aspects of the U.S culture can be described as diversity. The U.S. is a place where many cultures and backgrounds come together. You can walk into a bank or a restaurant…
Letters to America Pre-Departure: Iceland
When considering American culture, the most prominent aspect that we, as US citizens, hold dear is our reliance on individualism. What I find most noteworthy is the fact that this manifests in various ways in our society. The two most prominent examples that come to mind are our desire for independence and self-sufficiency in various…