The plane tickets are purchased. The papers are being processed. Another six weeks, and then I’m off to Germany for the semester of a lifetime! Over the past few weeks, I have been making preparations for the upcoming adventure, practicing my German, and getting to know my future city of residence via Google maps. Having…
Pre departure
I’m very excited and very nervous for my upcoming study abroad trip. I’m excited because this will be a brand new experience. It will be the first time that I will be without my parents so that will be exciting, but also very scary because they are miles and miles away so if anything happens…
Preparing for Roma
Ciao! Italy is one of my favorite countries in the entire world and I couldn’t be more excited to return to this vibrant jewel of Europe. Although I have traveled to Italy before with my family and have even stayed with an Italian family during the summer of my sophomore year of high school, the…
Meet Stephanie Garcia – CAPA Blogger Spring 2015
After weeks of tracking, the long-awaited package officially arrived at my front door. I could not contain my excitement; I ripped open the seal and shook the envelope to uncover its contents. I grasped my passport and flipped frantically through the pages to get a first glimpse of my student visa. The final ingredient to…
My American Parents
Over our reading week (approximately halfway through the semester) my parents came to visit me for 12 days. While the whole 12 days they were here were not all spent in London (we also did Ireland and Paris but that’s for another blog post), we attempted to do as much as we could in the…
The Golden Mile
London is more than a series of tourist attractions. The little streets and local parks are the places that are making me fall in love with London. Well, those things and the pubs. London is infamous for all the little neighborhood pubs. And all of these places have names like, “The New Globe” or “The…
Unravelling Britain
One of my favorite classes (out of the four that I am taking) is named: Unravelling Britain: British History Since 1801. Overlooking the intimidating vastness of the title when I selected this course, I was extremely excited to learn a little more about this place that I am calling home for just over three months….
Not Just Swedish Meatballs: Stockholm, Sweden
Do you know where Stockholm is? Hopefully you do by my lovely blog post title now. I’m going to be honest though, before I booked the trip to Stockholm, I wasn’t sure if it was in Sweden or Switzerland. But now that I am practically a swedish native, I could never be mistaken again. Stockholm…
Klassiker København
I think it is safe to say that I am officially a world traveler! Or, at the very least a European traveler. This past weekend I had the immense privilege to visit and explore the capital of Denmark: Copenhagen. Before my four friends and I left for our trip, actually before we even had a…
20 Days and Counting…
Today marks my twentieth day here in London. So for my second ever blog post I decided to re-live a few of my favorite touristing (yes, it’s a new verb) moments. First and probably the most prestigious is Buckingham Palace (image 1). Two of my friends and I discovered the self-guided audio tour of the…