The prevalence of a very social party scene was something I definitely had to get used to. While exploring my new ability to legally go out to bars and clubs, I was not expecting to be going out every week, this includes week days. While not everyone on campus thinks this way, it appeared as…
Final Blog Post
Andie Baldridge (ISA Italy) Now that I am back in the United States and have been home for a couple weeks, I have had plenty of time to reflect on my time abroad. While it was over 5 months ago that I was first arriving in Italy, it feels like yesterday. Looking back I had…
Maynooth, Ireland
Overall I experienced many cultural similarities and differences during my time in Ireland. Since it is an English-speaking country, I had no struggles navigating Maynooth or my campus. Being able to communicate with everyone in Ireland allowed me to ask a lot of questions when I needed help and helped me meet a lot of…
Time Abroad in London
After spending 6 months studying abroad in London, I have learned how to expand my horizons and how to relate with other cultures. One of the ways that I expanded my horizons was by adjusting to the lifestyle in London. In the United Kingdom, it is typical to have moments in the day allotted to…
Final Blod Post
Being from New York City as well as an experienced traveler, living in London was not entirely different from what I was used to. The language is the same, the city is bustling and diverse, and the cultural norms were not only easy to pick up on and adapt to but preferred, as I greatly…
Final Blog Post
Children in France were more involved in society as they were out with their parents very often. For example, many children would accompany their parents when they went grocery shopping or just when they seemed to be walking around town. While this is not very different to many places in America, there are many children…
Greece Blog 3
During the time in which I was able to study abroad in Greece, there were many times that I experienced aspects of the culture of Greece that I was not aware of and for that reason surprised me and forced me to adjust to the culture of Greece. For example, when I was in Greece,…
Final Blog – Back in the States!
My semester in Italy this spring was amazing! I had such a great time and was able to meet so many different people and experience new things. One thing that I really saw and was able to experience was the difference in how Italians live their lives. It was clear that Italians are very much…
Last Blog Post – Back to the USA
As I reflect on my time spent in Mexico, one of the most impactful differences I felt living in a small city was the friendliness I experienced daily. Wherever you go, it is appropriate to recognize the existence of others around by greeting them with a hello, good morning, good afternoon or good night, regardless…