I had been in South Africa for over a month at this point, traveling from Cape Town to Johannesburg and back, and had just moved into my homestay in the Bo Kaap area of Cape Town the past week. In this new location I felt a greater sense of independence, which allowed me to freely…
Final Blog Post
Because I was in Australia, which is quite similar to the United States, I did not have too many experiences with cultural confrontation. The most significant cultural experience I had was when my program spent five days camping in the bush with Aboriginal leaders. We learned how to many things such as make jewelry from…
After a Parisian Semester
After returning from Paris, I have been reflecting on many of my experiences. I have been recently thinking on how many people in the city kept to themselves, or were generally polite but not much more. Usually on the metro or in cafes, many people would do their own thing while you would do yours….
Reflections on Paris
So, it has been finished. Five months abroad are complete and I find myself back amongst the comforts of home. Now that I have all five months behind me, I am glad to have lived in Paris during the Spring semester of my junior year. Through the language barriers, my living situation, and the lack…
Washington Semester Program- Fadima
My semester in Washington, D.C. as a student at Rollins College has been an exhilarating and transformative experience. The moment I stepped off the plane, I was captivated by the rich history, vibrant culture, and bustling energy of the nation’s capital. From the iconic landmarks to the diverse neighborhoods, every corner of this city offered…
Ingrid Ryan’s final post: The Parisian Definition of Accommodation
One of the most stark changes I had to adjust to was interacting with French staff in cafés, restaurants, and supermarkets. The first experience that stood out to me was during my second week in Paris while having dinner with some friends I made. Since I have previous knowledge in the French language, I always…
Deja Reyes – Blog Post #3 Italy: ISA
An experience that I had where I was confused took place in one of the cafes. I distinctly remember it being the second week I was in my host country. My roommates and I were just getting to know the area and we were walking down the street in the areas near our apartment to…
Blog post #3
Adjusting to the host culture was not as difficult as I had initially anticipated. I think already being an international student helped me to adjust and has equipped me for being in a new place. I am accustomed to being new and feeling different and this helped my assimilation process. To be honest I was not…
CAPA London – Final Reflection
While abroad I had a very difficult time adjusting to the very vague and hands off aproach to interns of the leadership I was under. I didn’t understand how to work with such little direction and support. A specific example of this was when I asked my supervisor for help understanding my assignment and she…
#3 Blog Post
Since being in Rome I have discovered Italians to be much more lenient when it comes to time. This is apparent not only in their attitudes, but in their behavior as well. For example, during this semester I had the fortune of interning for Chef Andrea, assisting him in his cooking class. However, as one…