A time I experienced cultural confrontation was when I was traveling to the town center of Rome at night with a few of my roommates to go shopping. We decided to take the bus because it was a really far walk. It took us a while to find out how the buses operated, but we…
Safety – a Concern or a Cultural Confrontation?
While so far, I have loved France (and French culture), living in Paris has come with many downfalls. While I miss the sun and the warmth of a Florida Winter, what I miss most is the comfort of living somewhere that feels safe. Unfortunately, some fellow students and I have been housed in an uncomfortable…
Brutal Coffee
The first couple of months in Paris were a dream. I ran around the city with friends because I always wanted to be doing something. I ignored all the dirty looks I got when my American accent came out because I was so happy to be somewhere that was not Florida. I knew how to…
Blog Post #2
Kia Ora! My time here in New Zealand has been nothing short of exciting! There has been so many things that have opened my eyes and cultured me in a way I never thought possible. There have also been moments of shock and hurdles to overcome. For the most part, the culture is very similar…
Blog Post 2 🇦🇺
I am absolutely loving my time here in Australia but it does not come without some struggles. The biggest adjustment I have had to make is completing all of my tasks that require a store or business before 4 in the afternoon. While some grocery stores are open till about 7 or 8, all of…
#2 Blog Post
It was about three in the afternoon that day when a couple of my friends and I decided to grab some lunch at a nearby cafe. When we first sat, we discussed what was going on in our lives and the solo trips that we had taken around Europe. We were all starving at that…
Small-Big Confidences in Japan
Approximately one and a half weeks after arriving in Japan, I fumbled a step while going down a set of stairs and strained my foot and ankle badly. I then waited 3 and a half weeks before going to the hospital for it—partially because it was improving every day that I took it easy, and…
Midterm Post – CAPA London
Upon arriving to the UK I was so excited to drive right in to everything! I was excited for classes, my internship, my roommates and classmates and everything in between! Unfortunately, not every aspect of this semester abroad has been as wonderful as I had expected it to be. On the bright side, my roommates…
1 month in
As of right now, I have been in Australia for a month. The first week in Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef was so fun, and I got to meet so many of my friends then. Later I came down to my host city of Sydney, which is so beautiful, clean, and refreshing. I have…
UK: CAPA Blog Post #2
An experience I have encountered that caused cultural confrontation has been due to the different methods of transportation. Living in Florida, I have become used to driving myself everywhere. The grocery story, the doctor, and my school were mainly accessible to me by driving. Residing in London has allowed me to gain access to many…