At the beginning of my journey I had a rough time. I was in a place which was not familiar and surrounded by strangers. Moreover, I was trying to adapt to a new culture that was completely new to me. So, as a result I had a few confrontations, most of which involved the locals….
Cultural Confrontation
One of the difficulties I have experienced so far during my time in Israel includes the national observance of Shabbat. Shabbat is a Jewish holiday that occurs every week from sunset on Friday until sunset on Saturday where everyone is supposed to rest. Since Israel is a country which is governed around Judaism, the occurrence…
Post #2
London has been a great learning experience so far. It has been refreshing and interesting living in a new place and meeting so many new people. As exciting as it has been sometimes you miss the familiarity and ease that comes with being in a place and around people you are familiar with. I am…
France Study Abroad Final Blog Post
A semester abroad, in a country where you may not speak the language, may seem like a daunting adventure. Sure, it was certainly stressful at times, yet along with outrageous fees, the stress was certainly worth it. Fortunately, I am a French speaker, so the culture shock was not significant to me. Rollins’s faculty will…
Blog Post #1
As I am getting ready to go abroad I have been trying to prepare myself for all that comes with the change; change with school, housing, people, language. I have heard everything from “this will be the best experience of my life” to “this will be such a big change”. I found myself contemplating for…
Final Blog Post
As I am half German, I know the country and its culture up close and also know the advantages and weaknesses associated with it. In my last semester, I got to know German culture once again. As I mentioned before, people are rather uptight and not so talkative and also like to talk about their…
SIT South Africa Blog Post #1
One aspect of American identity that I find uniquely interesting are the core concepts of individualism and personal autonomy. The ideology of individual responsibility in the United States has been utilized as a tool which continues to influence the country’s political landscape. Individualism in written into the nation’s bedrock with lines like “the land of…
Race and Ethics without Borders
Black people have been creating a way out of no way for centuries. We were brought to America and stripped of our languages, tribes, religious views, and cultures. The way we learned to survive was through community. People who looked like us were the only ones we could trust. We shared stories of grief, perseverance,…
Deja Reyes – Blog Post #1 Italy: ISA
One important aspect of American culture would be dressing in athleisure. Commonly Americans dress in basic clothing that works with the weather. It is very uncommon for Americans to dress formally on a regular basis when going out to various places. We dress very casually when going to places like school, work, grocery stores, gyms…