This semester abroad has been an eye-opening experience in so many ways. Transitioning from life in the United States to life in the United Kingdom has been amazing, but also challenging. A cultural aspect that took some adjusting to was the difference in apparel worn. In the United States, athletic wear is a very popular…
SIT Jordan: Refugees Health and Humanitarian Action Program.
My time in Jordan has been AMAZING! I have learned so much about the culture, language, politics, and people of Jordan – an experience I will forever be grateful for. I spent my program in Amman, Jordan the capital of the country. While here I studied refugees, health, and humanitarian action. Jordan hosts millions of…
Final Blog: Newcastle
I have really loved Australia. The area we stayed in and people we met made our time in Newy so special. As much as I love the Aussie accent and words it is sometimes hard to understand, especially in a loud/fast paced setting. I was working at a pub in Newcastle for a bit and…
ISA: Italy Rome
Italy has been an amazing experience and I have truly been lucky to have the opportunities to travel most weekends and see other areas of Italy and other countries. Although my time abroad as looked perfect online, there has definitely been times where I needed to adjust and felt lost. The cafe and bar culture…
Final Blog Post
An experience that I felt I had to adjust to while I was in New Zealand was when I learned that New Zealanders tend to be a bit more reserved and keep to themselves. I have spoken briefly about this in my previous post where I examined cultural differences. I mentioned in my last blog…
Final Blog Post
One thing that was different over in Australia was the school curriculum. The way university was set up over there was very different to American universities. In Australia, a University degree only takes 3 years to complete whereas here in the US it takes about 4 years. Over there, students are much more independent and…
Blog post #2
An experience of cultural confrontation that has happened so far during my time abroad has been when I first made some local friends. One friend, in particular, spoke no English. This was an interesting challenge to tackle, as I do not speak enough Italian to converse properly. The first night we met, I was with…
Post #2
Thinking about moments of cultural conflict I think of the time I caught a cold. I first was not thinking about the possible conflicts of culture, but I definitely faced some. At home, I usually will take medicine, drink Gatorade, and have chicken noodle soup. In Italy, they seem to prioritize homeopathic remedies first, which…
Blog Post #2
An example of cultural confrontation that I have experienced during my time abroad in London is finding a quiet space to study by myself. At Rollins, I would go to the library or KWR after class to find a space to study where I knew it was quiet and I could get my work done….