When thinking about a time I have been feeling moments of cultural confrontation, I think about the frustration I have felt about the differences between the education at Rollins and within the London program that I am a part of. Throughout college, I have been used to a more practical and time- manageable schedule. I…
Cultural Confrontation
Moving to a new country in Europe and embarking on an unfamiliar academic and cultural journey has come with a rollercoaster of emotions- from the initial honeymoon phase of complete excitement, curiosity, exploration, and joy to the dive down into feelings of homesickness, stress, confusion, and isolation. Factors including the language and communication barrier, public…
Blog Post 2: Cultural Confrontation
Having spent 6 weeks in the city, I think it is safe to say that I have been immersed in the culture here quite a good amount. Experiencing the city as a tourist during the first few weeks of going to the most popular landmarks and museums is different from living in the city and…
Blog Post #2
One example of cultural confrontation I faced was learning how to shop in Italian grocery stores. In a more broad sense, learning to cook for myself in Italy. In the United States, we have dozens of options for shopping for groceries. Around Rollins, there is Publix, Trader Joes, Wholefoods, and many more options. Near my…
Blog Post 2
It is unfathomable that I have been abroad in Rome for two months now. Within these two months I have been taken aback by some cultural aspects. One big shock to me was the concept of “siesta breaks”. Italians and many other European cultures love the idea of a mid-afternoon rest break. These breaks typically…
Blog Prompt #2
I have experienced the most cultural confrontation when dining in restaurants. I find it very frustrating how slow the service is when trying to order or when trying to get the check. It is almost like they servers do not want to take my money which is very different from America. In America they try…
Cultural Confrontation- Blog #2
It’s so funny to think that we are at the halfway point. It seemed as if it was yesterday when I arrived. I have seen such a difference in culture, especially through human interaction. I find British humor hilarious. I look forward to conversations with strangers. I have experienced cultural confrontations. I learned that British…
Blog #2 – Cultural Confrontation
When I first came to France, I wasn’t certain how much culture shock I would feel. My time in France has been amazing, exciting, and at times, a bit overwhelming. I have enjoyed immersing myself in a new culture, city, and family. Since being in France, some of the challenges I struggled with were things…
CAPA London Blog Post 2
Being in London has not presented me with as many instances of cultural confrontation as I expected before coming. In fact, America and the U.K. – or at least London – are very similar with culture, and I haven’t run into as many issues as I might have studying abroad elsewhere. However, there have been…
Cultural Confrontation – College Year Athens
I have experienced a few instances of cultural confrontation during my time in Athens Greece so far. One of the things that sticks out the most to me is that there is a large staring culture here, it is not considered rude or weird to stare at strangers or friends when they are walking down…