When I arrived in Morocco, I wasn’t sure what I had gotten myself into. Why did I decide to move here for four months when I didn’t have to? Why didn’t I just stay put in Florida and finish my degree with the people I’ve gotten to know over the past four years? These are…
Cultural Confrontation: UK CAPA Blog #2
Cultural confrontation was a common occurrence in my initial time abroad in the UK. Adjusting to any new culture you are unaccustomed to is often times difficult and very frustrating. The main experience I think back to is the adjustment to the tube, and London’s system of public transportation. I found this topic to be…
Blog Post #2: Cultural Confrontation
To start off my time in London has been amazing so far. I am enjoying exploring the city a lot, learning about new cultures, and meeting a lot of interesting people. Lots of nice experiences and memories to remember. It was very easy for me to adjust to the new country because U.S. and U.K….
Blog #2: SIT South Africa
South Africa is extremely rich in diverse cultures, and I’ve luckily had the experience of living among Zulu people during my homestay in a township called Cato Manor. While simultaneously learning the language, it was amazing to experience the locals’ shock and joy when we could respond to them in the Zulu language. I…
Blog #2 Cultural Confrontation
Studying abroad here in Aix-en- Provence has been a formative experience for me and I have enjoyed every moment of it thus far. Since being in France, one of the aspects of daily life that I found hard to adjust to at first was the lack of air conditioning. I remember the first night I…
UK CAPA: Blog Post Two Cultural Confrontation
I cannot believe my program is halfway over. It feels like just yesterday I was arriving in London and meeting my flatmates. Yet also, at the same time, I feel that I have experienced so much. I have truly enjoyed my time in London. Despite the fact that I have never lived in a big…
Blog #2 – Cultural Confrontation
Being placed in France has been one of my best life experiences so far. I have no regrets about studying abroad and although I have faced confrontational moments; such encounters have taught me life lessons and have strengthened my development of character. My biggest struggle so far has occurred during the weekends. I normally dislike…
Cultural confrontation in France (blog #2)
It is crazy to think we are already half way through the semester, as just last week I recognized that I finally felt 100% adjusted to Aix. Moving here, I definitely confronted several cultural differences that took time to get used to. Being in south France, it was extremely hot during the month of September….
blog #2: rome cultural confrontation
Out of a few cultural confrontations I have experienced in Rome, one of the biggest has been Rome’s public transportation system. Due to my apartment being a little ways away from campus I either have to walk or use the bus which has been entirely different from when I am on campus back at Rollins….
Cultural Confrontation
The biggest cultural confrontation that I experienced when I first arrived in France was the lack of air conditioning. Being in the south of France at the end of August and September, it was very hot and slightly humid, but going inside did not help as much because there was no a/c. In order to…