Hi everyone! My name is Noelle and I am a computer science and communication studies double major. When I decided to attend Rollins I knew that I wanted to study abroad. I was determined, for instance, freshman year I walked into the study abroad office and wanted to go abroad then, thankfully they don’t allow…
Cultural Confrontation – Post 2
Looking back at the possible ups and downs that occur during a study abroad experience, my program in Spain has brought some of its own challenges that relate to these ups and downs through cultural and language differences. The most prominent confrontation I have faced through my first month here has been the language barrier. In…
An Aspect of American Culture
One unique aspect of American culture is our reliance on cars and the centering of the car in planning and infrastructure. The United States is the third largest country by land in the world and spans a whole continent. We are connected by highways and interstates and our cities rely on them for transporting goods…
Time in America vs. Italy- Oliver Zimring. Blog post 1
An aspect of American culture that I have realized is quite unique is the mindset of not wanting to waste one’s time. This attitude is not only understood from the second person’s point of view but is also expected of oneself. Most American’s likeminded value of time is because of the instillation of the simple…
Blog Prompt 1: Aspect of US Culture- Klara Friday
When thinking of the United States and an aspect of its culture, something that comes to my mind is the fast pace lifestyle that many live. With a common trend of everything moving quickly, it is easy to consider America a constantly changing environment. At a young age, you most likely start school, and…
Pre-Departure Blog – Jade May
Sports in the United States play a large part in American society and culture. From American football, baseball, soccer, tennis, etc. America presents a large variety of sports captured from all over the world. Sports are entertaining and extremely popular, however, they also correspond with numerous community values and morals including teamwork, justice, and leadership. …
CAPA Blog Post #1
An aspect of U.S. culture that I would like to focus on is the “to-go” concept. Very often in the U.S., we find ourselves grabbing food or drinks to go when we are on the run. For instance, if we are on the way to work we might stop by a fast food restaurant to…
A New Chapter :)
Jamaica is a cultural melting pot. Our motto is “out of many one people” as we have a variety of Jamaicans from various cultural backgrounds due to our history. As a nation, we are very laid-back and humorous. We take pride in our beautiful island resources, music (reggae and dancehall), and our athletic capabilities. My…
Blog Prompt #1
In the United States, citizens are allowed to apply and receive their driver’s license at the age of 16. Americans are eligible to vote beginning at the age of 18. Most interestingly, citizens of the United States cannot consume alcohol and tobacco (in select states) until they turn 21 years old. There are very limited…
Blog 1
In the United States, it has been made apparent that life is convenient. We have larger stores such as Walmart and Target for our everyday needs; as well as Costco and larger supermarkets like Publix. All of these services are open for long hours every day of the week, only closed on very certain holidays…