In the United States, there is a two-party system. This two-party system runs the office of our government. There are smaller parties. These parties don’t register enough votes to counter the votes of the greater two-parties. The two parties are called Democrat and Republican. The Democrats are labelled as blue, and the Republicans are labelled…
Blog Post #1
I was born and raised in the United States, but was never able to travel outside the country. Given this, I believe that the only culture I know is the American culture and the many aspects to it. One aspect of U.S. culture that is prominent in my life is our reliance on cars for…
Pre-Departure Blog: Queen Mary University
As I prepare to depart to London next week, I find myself reflecting on the cultural experiences I have had as an American. I have never traveled outside of the United States, which I believe will make my study abroad experience unique and exciting. Although I am nervous, I look forward to experiencing English culture…
Pre-Departure Blog – Vanessa Martinez
Individualism is often brought up in discussions of American culture. This means that Americans view themselves as their own person, independent, separate from any group. A collectivist culture on the other hand, relies on the sense of community and close intragroup connection and views all individuals as part of the group. In sharing my judgment…
Pre-Study Abroad
After hearing about my plans to study abroad in Morocco, my family was quick to jump on the opportunity to explore the country with me before orientation. After a period of reflection, what I learned in one week traveling through a region known as “Forgotten Morocco” has been more beneficial and eye-opening than my pre-departure…
UK QMUL: Pre-Departure Blog
As my study abroad experience is two weeks away from me it is a good time to prepare mentally for the whole new culture and reflect on the culture here in the U.S. I am originally not from the U.S. and when I moved here the American culture was a big new experience for me….
London CAPA Blog #1
As I prepare to embark on my London study abroad program as an American-born citizen, I see many similarities and differences between our two cultures. This opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that I have been looking forward to. While still uncertain about what I will be met with regarding UK culture upon my arrival, I…
Pre-departure blog
Studying abroad is a big step on the road to becoming a global citizen. As an international student, I am technically already “studying abroad” so I am very grateful to get the opportunity to study further abroad in some sense. Coming to the US, I realized how much individualism and personal opinions matter in daily…
Pre-Departure Blog (#1)
While preparing to go abroad for the semester, it is only natural to feel slightly anxious and nervous. Exciting nerves have been coursing through my body since the beginning of August. I have never been to Europe, even with the comforts of friends and family, so this is an entirely novel experience for me. I…
UK CAPA: London Pre-Departure Blog
As I prepare to study in London, I am inclined to reflect on my current knowledge of both the differences and similarities between the United States and London. When I think of the United States, my viewpoint is limited. I have lived in three states, all on the east coast, and not traveled much outside…