Growing up in the United States, a common value that found among society and the lifestyles of Americans is the need for on-the-go food and service that accommodate a fast-paced lifestyle. Growing up here, I never realized how this value had become so important in American culture, and was so intertwined with all aspects of…
Blog #1: Pre-Departure
One aspect of U.S. culture is that it is fast-paced. This can be seen in all aspects of life from the workplace, to school, and into people’s personal lives. Life moves quick here, and there is a deeper sense of urgency compared to other countries to get things done. People have set schedules that they…
CAPA London Blog Post #1
One aspect of U.S. culture is individuality as a core pillar. Individuality is the concept of placing more importance in the individual over the group. The U.S.’s history of democratic ideals and liberty for all individuals, including the liberty of thought and action has led to a society that greatly believes that individuals can achieve…
Final Reflection JYM
Now that I have arrived in the U.S. after being in Munich for four months, I am beginning to realize how aspects of German culture have stuck with me. During my first few days back, I experienced reverse culture shock when I was faced with having to drive nearly everywhere in my suburban hometown….
American Culture vs. Italian Culture
If you are from or visited The United States you have probably heard the phrase, “Time is money” whether it be in person or from film. The phrase seems to be a motto of sorts for The U.S. and that’s because there’s a sense of urgency and how we can’t let a single moment pass…
Australia: University of Newcastle
Growing up in Rhode Island, I had a very big family and a very full house. Four older brothers and one older sister left me being the youngest of six kids. Lucky enough, we all played sports or had our own after school activities which meant my mom was always on the move, driving us…
Pre-departure blog
With the exception of my very first semester at Rollins in the fall of 2019, it’s safe to say my experience thus far has been a bit unorthodox. For the past year and a half, I’ve been trying to get abroad. My hopes have been shot up and crushed a number of times due…
Final Study Abroad Blog Post
Reflecting on my study abroad experience as a whole, I would not have changed a thing. This past semester has been one of the greatest learning curves in my life, thus far. I am so grateful I was able to experience living in a different country and would do it again in a heartbeat. I…
Reflecting on my abroad experience in Italy
My time in Rome, Italy, has officially ended, and now that I have returned home, I wish I could do everything all over again. I noticed many things in Italian culture that were very different from the culture back home. In particular, something that confused me about Italian culture was the fact that most Italians…
How Studying Abroad in London Changed My Life
Looking back on my journey: I arrived back in Miami, FL two weeks ago after studying abroad in London for five months. I was able to extend my trip for one month to visit family and friends. I’m still processing my experience, and I’m already beginning to miss the British accents. What I can say…