My experience at Jacobs University exceeded my expectations. When I first arrived it was cold, windy and gloomy. The sun would rise at 8 am and set at 4:30 pm. The short, winter days discouraged me from going outside and exploring. However, the people I met there made it feel so warm. The close-knit community…
Final Blog: Lancaster University
When I first came to Lancaster I was used to being a few minutes late whenever I went places. However, one day I arrived 30 minutes late to archery practice. The captain responded with “Is this what you consider 7:00 AM.” In other words, he was not so subtly pointing out the fact that I…
Final Blog Post – Rome ISA
A big thing I had to adjust to was city life, specifically public transport. At Rollins we don’t need to take public transport, all our classes are a short walk away. In Rome; however, getting to class was around a 40min walk or a 20min bus ride. Getting anywhere in the city required a long…
Final Post
Now that I am home from an amazing semester in Rome Italy, I have had a lot of time to reflect on my time and experiences there. Naturally with spending four months in another foreign country you are bound to run into some situations. There were things that I was not use to at all…
Final post
An experience I had while studying abroad was the hours of operation. Every day, most restaurants close around 2:30 pm compared to in the states where individuals can eat anywhere at any time. To accommodate the eating hours, I had to rearrange my schedule. I finished school at 1:55pm every day, so I had to…
Oviedo Study Abroad Blog Post
During my time in Oviedo, Spain, I learned so much about Spanish culture and people, which in turn has made me a better and more open-minded person. Going into this program ready for completely new and eye-opening experiences, I was eager to learn as much about the culture as I could. Looking back on my…
French Culture After-Thoughts
My experience in France was a unique opportunity and I am very lucky that adjusting to life abroad was not too difficult, I credit a large part of that to the fact that I grew up visiting family in Mexico a lot; however, that does not mean there were not experiences that proved to be…
Final Blog Prompt- Trinity Rome
During my time abroad one of the adjustments I had to make was dealing with how time was managed in Italy. When I was preparing to leave for Rome I learned about how one aspect of life in Italy is how it can be more relaxed and slow even if you have something urgent to…
Roses Sports Competition
The War of the Roses Tournament is a decades old sporting tradition between York and Lancaster University. The first one was held in 1965, and saw the two schools competing against each other in many different sports. The reason for this tradition is because of a war that occured in fifteenth century England. Many factions…
Blog #3
I just got back home from spending five months in Oviedo, and I am so grateful to have had this experience! I had a wonderful time, met amazing people, grew a lot, and enjoyed learning about Spanish culture. Reflecting back on my time there, I had an easy time adjusting to my new life there,…