There were several aspects of UK’s culture that required time in order to get adjusted to, whether it was remaining on the right side of tube stations, sidewalks or escalators, respecting the quiet on tube rides, asking for the “bill” instead of the “check” or even getting accustomed to British slang, they were each unique…
Final Reflection
One moment where I experienced confusion by my host culture in France was during dinners with my host family. Before arriving to Aix-en-Provence, we were told that the French were very opinionated. It is one thing to be told and then another to actually experience such opinionated thoughts. During a lot dinners, controversial topics would…
Final Reflection Blog: London UK
By: Molly Dzialga Ever since I got accepted into college, I always knew that I wanted to study aboard in London as it was a place that I have never traveled to before. Through Rollins College, I chose to apply for CAPA London, a program where I took three classes and worked an internship that…
Final Reflection Blog
An experience I was confused by and had to adjust to in London was going for coffee runs and breaks at my internship at least 2 times a day. On my first day at my internship, I noticed that everyone would go on a snack or coffee break whenever they pleased and they didn’t really…
Blog Post 3
A huge part of the cultural difference is how I have to be like a local in order to protect myself from stealing. The experience of getting stolen is something new for me and I never thought I was the one. This is a sad experience but at the same time, this was a huge…
Final Blog
The conversion of the US dollar to the British pound was an experience in which I was confused and had to adjust to a feature of my host culture. After traveling around Europe, I assumed that the US dollar to British pound conversion was insignificant when I initially landed in the London. Prior to traveling…
Final Blog Post
Throughout my entire study abroad experience, I became very acquainted with the medical system in the United Kingdom. My interactions include refilling medications, basic health checks, and even hospitalization. The medical system was vastly different than in the United States, and where that was most seen was in the hospital. It was a significant adjustment…
Blog Post #2
I’ve been in London for a little over 2 months now. At first, I was so excited to be here that nothing was a problem for me. As the weeks went on, the reality began to set in and it was though getting used to the weather. It’s cold and can be gloomy for weeks…
Roma Mini Post Blog 3
Today I learn the Italian greeting. If you cheek-kiss twice with a known person, you exhibit a connection with that person. It emphasizes the closeness you have with that person. Otherwise, a single cheek-kiss may insinuate a one-sided relationship.
Since I arrived here in Aix, I have been amazed by the beauty of the town and the people around here. My experience of cultural confrontation so far is very mild. The reason is quite simple. This is not my first time being exposed to another culture. Culture in the State is already different from…