Blog #2 London CAPA: Cultural Confrontation
The “U-curve of Cultural Adjustment” was a very practical methodology to learn about at our pre-departure orientation. One way or another, every individual who travels abroad, either to study, work or simply for leisure experiences all the phases of the U-Curve at some point in their journey. Before arriving in London, learning about these stages…
Blog 2: Cultural Adjustment
I have now been in Oviedo, Spain for two months and it has been incredible. I have since gotten acquainted with the beautiful city, and formed a great bond with my host mom. The food here is delicious, and the sights are amazing. Every day has been a new adventure, visiting many different cities, meeting…
Blog #2
The first two months in Germany have been a huge learning experience. The student body at Jacobs University is mostly international. This has exposed me to many people that come from different cultures. I have been able to try foods I had never tried before, I have learned some common phrases in other languages aside…
Blog Post #2: Cultural Confrontation in Ireland
As I’m approaching the halfway mark of my time studying abroad, I think constantly about how incredible this opportunity is and how grateful I am to be here and be able to experience a culture different from my own. This exposure to a new culture has come with a few bumps in the road and…
Blog Post #2
This past week marked halfway through our semester abroad in London. This experience has sadly been going by very fast so I have learned to appreciate it every day in all activities. I haven’t experienced major cultural confrontation so far because I try to remember that every country and culture is different including beliefs and…
Blog Post #2: Cultural Confrontation
In three days, I will have officially been in France for two full months. I feel like the first month felt much longer than the second month. I am very glad to have been told about “The U-Curve of Cultural Adjustment” because it is very real and knowing that I am not alone in this…
Blog Post #2 – Italy
So far during my time in Italy, I have found that there are many things that are different than in America. For example, on Sunday most stores are closed which means that if you want to get groceries, you will need to do so ahead of time or during the morning hours if some may…
Blog Prompt 2
In general terms I feel as if I have adapted quickly to my newfound city life in Rome. Nevertheless, I have experienced frustration because of the language barrier. On occasion I have felt helpless with the inability to clearly express my thoughts with locals. Had I made a big mistake in choosing to move to…