When it comes to cultural confrontations in London, it’s difficult to find the right words. This is thanks to the assumption that I have never been subjected to a significant cultural confrontation in London. My time in London has been incredible. I’ve been welcomed by British people, and since we all speak English, it’s difficult…
Blog #2: The Problem with Peanut Butter
I’ve really been enjoying my time in the UK, really I have. However, I’ve had a few moments of frustration while I was here. I remember, most clearly, perhaps the most absurd example of this happening. I was in the mood for peanut butter, and I remembered that the UK didn’t have any. I was…
Blog Post #2
As I have spent more time in Italy I came to see differences between Italy and America that had never occurred to me before. Doing laundry, going grocery shopping, even turning on a light are all things that are different here; most of the differences are minor but as time goes on it begins to…
Blog Post 2
This semester has passed halfway, I have been experiencing much culturally, which made me think about my life lessons. Since I have experienced general study abroad where I live away from home, it was easier for me to adjust my homesickness from my hometown. However, some new homesickness came into me, which I am missing…
Blog Post 2
Cultural confrontation was something I thought that I would not experience in the U.K. I felt that I was open-minded enough that I would not have this. However, I still experienced cultural confrontation that I did not expect despite my mentality. I became ill with a sinus infection, and I was not getting better, so…
Pre-Study Abroad Blog
As I reflect upon U.S. culture, both the fast-paced lifestyle and larger scale of everything comes to mind. In America, people are constantly looking for how to do something in the fastest way possible, whether that be with fast food or technology. People are constantly on the go and prefer to accomplish things in the…
Blog #1 France: IAU
American culture, it seems to me, is an amalgam of many competing influences and ideas. There is an openness here that allows the ambitious to integrate and thrive, but that openness seems to come at the price of a well-defined cultural identity. I feel very much of two minds about the multicultural environment in the…
Blog Reutlingen Germany
As part of the dual degree program I have gone to Reutlingen. The exam and semesters are structured differently and also at different times. The Fall 2021 semester ended on January 29, 2022 after I took my last of 8 exams. It was a very long and work heavy semester and not very pleasant with…
Pre-Study Abroad
An aspect of U.S. culture is a generally a go getter attitude. People in the United States are more open to risk taking and exploring all aspects of what the world has to offer. In general, we are seekers. My own judgments on these aspects are that in of itself. I do believe that our…
Final Blog Post – Italy: ISA
An experience I had to adjust to while studying abroad in Rome was the break time during the middle of the day. While I was studying abroad there, I had to adjust my schedule so that I was able to avoid needing to do anything during that period of time, especially being hungry because almost…