Relocation in of itself is a very difficult situation to handle, but when the culture of this new location is completely different from the one we are used to, the situation becomes extensively more difficult. Reflection about ones individual culture and identity is crucial when developing the skills needed to become a global citizen. This…
Pre-Departure JYM
From my experience as a person born and raised in the United States, the concept of individualism stands out as a critical aspect of American culture, seeping its way into all aspects of life in this country. American individualism is rooted in such concepts as the “American Dream” and an intense work ethic that…
Final Blog Post – London
My time in London was an exciting time of learning and adjusting to a new host culture. Whether it was in the classroom or in the workplace, there were many cultural differences to take into account. One aspect of British culture that I found different from the US was the structure of classes. For most…
Final Blog Post – Italy: ISA Rome
My experience abroad was one that I will never forget, but it definitely came with shocking adjustments and changes that ended up being a great learning experience and adventure. I did not realize certain things about the culture even when I did extensive research to prepare myself. There were definitely some things that I had…
Final Blog Post- London
I am so fortunate for the opportunity I had in London this past semester. Going through this process I have learned so much not only about the U.K. but myself as well. I have become a stronger individual through the discomfort I have faced, and it has guided my new attitude and values that I…
Final Blog Post – London
Traveling abroad to London for the semester was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Though I was hesitant to travel across the world during college at first, I saw new places, new people, and made tons of new memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Traveling abroad to…
Final Blog (ISA ROME)
Now that studying abroad is over, it’s time to reflect on the experiences of this opportunity. Though there are many that could be considered noteworthy, there is one in particular that shines on the cultural differences of the United States and Italy. As my Italian friend and I discussed, however, it is appropriate to know…
Final Blog Post
One of the most distinct aspects of the British culture I had to adjust to was the public transportation system. Around the UK and especially London almost everyone uses the public transport, buses, trains, the underground, etc., because it is such a massive part of a Brit’s daily routine most transfer trains and navigate the…
Blog #3 – Final Blog
Over the course of my abroad experience, I was faced with many different cultural challenges that allowed myself to grow in a new way. When embracing any culture that is not your own there will always be different values, behaviors, and attitudes that one may need to adjust to because they are different from your…
Final Blog Post: Portugal!
When eating at group meals during excursions with my Academic Director, we usually ate at restaurants who served traditional foods. At Portuguese restaurants, they expect customers to finish their entire plate of food. If the meal is not finished, they assume the person didn’t like it or they were dissatisfied with it. When clearing plates,…