An aspect of my host culture where I was confused and had to adapt was the traditional values and ancient technology throughout the city of Rome. Unlike America Italy and Europe in general can be more behind in certain areas of technology. When moving into my apartment in Rome it was confusing and difficult to…
Blog 1: Lancaster University
A look at some cultural differences that may be experienced in another country. And why it may be good to experience such things!
Blog Post 1
An integral part of U.S culture is the country’s stance on work-life balance. We focus on working hard to keep up with other countries and their developments. This can also be defined as ‘The American Dream,’ which so many people immigrate to the U.S in hopes of achieving. With technology being easily accessible and evergrowing,…
Blog #3 – Final Prompt
The opportunity to study abroad in Iceland has been an amazing experience that I highly recommend to anyone interested in traveling. The insights, experiences, and opportunities are immense. That being said, in going to any new country, you have to expect to encounter some confusion or additional cultural shocks. Some things that shocked me while…
Final Blog Prompt
I can’t believe I’m writing my final blog prompt. I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity of studying and working in the great city of London. I made so many friends from all walks of life, which I would have never met if I stayed in Orlando. Furthermore, I got the opportunity to immerse myself in…
Maynooth University Fall 2021
Wrapping up my semester in Ireland, I have some reflections to share…. Briefly describe an experience where you were confused by or had to adapt to an aspect of your host culture? When I first arrived in Ireland, I got from the airport to my apartment using a coach bus. Ireland has a great program…
Blog Post #1
As an American, I acknowledge that my culture may be different from other cultures. It is important to recognize the differences of my culture and other cultures and how I can respect those differences. Identifying my own culture before traveling abroad will allow me to reflect on my own attitudes and behaviors. In the United…
Final Blog Post
During my time abroad, I experienced many different cultural adjustments and confusion. One main adjustment is the public transportation system. Until my time in London, I have never lived in an environment where this was so heavily relied on. The systems consist of differing numbers of buses as well as various lines of tubes….
Blog Post #3
Lancaster has been quite a fun and enjoyable experience I did have one experience that gave me pause and a brief moment of embarrassment. I was taking part in a dance class on campus and a common part of class was switching dance partners in order to learn how to dance with a greater range…
London, Fall ’21
During my time in London, there were several occurences where I had to adjust to my host culture. As an international student from Germany, this was something I had already experienced when studying and working in the United States. One specific occurence of an aspect I had to adjust to was related to the UK’s…