I think one thing that struck me as different in Greece than in America is how militarized the police are here. I have never seen police people with gas masks or bullet shields before and that was a bit shocking to me. I have been told by locals that this is a normal sighting and…
Final Blog Post
While abroad in London, I’ve had some amazing times. It has definitely been an experience everyone should get to go through. Now I’ve had some good times but have struggled with a couple things that I had to adapted to. I’d say the biggest thing I had to get used to is the transportation system….
Final Blog
An observation/ experience that I was confused by at first, and that I had to adjust to in Athens was the unique practices of military soldiers in the city. In Greece, every male is forced to complete at least one year of compulsory military service when they turn 18. Since my study abroad program is…
Final blog post
During my time abroad in London, there were several instances where I felt a bit confused and had to learn to adjust to a cultural difference. One example of this is when I arrived at my internship placement and began to learn the ways that people socialize at the office – the way they treat…
Blog Post #2
Over the course of my time here in London, I have experienced so many different things. One of the most important things I have discovered is the cultural experience curve. I have really loved living in London so far but there are many things that have taken a while to get used to. For example,…
Cultural confrontations
Now that it has been 2 months since going abroad, I am able to come to terms with my new lifestyle and temporary home. The culture shock and ecstatic enthusiasm has drifted, and I understand now more than ever what they mean by facing cultural frustrations. I miss the simple things back in America like…
Blog Post #2
Coming to Iceland, I was expecting to be struck by norms that are not common in the United States. Upon arriving and meeting a plethora of Icelandic people, I found that some of the expectations I had were inaccurate. Some ideas I had before arriving in Iceland, that I was bracing myself for, was a…
Blog Post 2
Throughout my time in Rome, I have faced many episodes of cultural confrontation. Sometimes these moments are small “oh this is different” episodes but sometimes it is something that continues to go against my cultural norm. This has been most often expressed to me through the differences in teaching techniques and general knowledge that Italians…
Cultural Confrontation – Lancaster UK
One moment of cultural confrontation I have encountered while studying in the UK is how difficult it is to communicate with university staff and support teams, especially regarding registration. Although they speak English, many of them aren’t on site at the University and extremely slow in regards to their work setting. The people here are…