Cultural Confrontation As I reflect on the last month of my time here in London, it is hard for me to remember many instances of cultural confrontation. Luckily, I have had an easy time adjusting to my new life here in the United Kingdom because of the various similarities the US and the UK share,…
Cultural Confrontation in Provence
After being in France for about two months, I am now used to the slow and enjoyable lifestyle of La Provence. Here life slows down and every moment is enjoyed deeply. At first this unsettled me, as I am used to a more fast paced lifestyle where everything is immediate and done in a rush….
Blog #2- Reutlingen Germany
Being half German and having lived in Germany for a significant part of my life, I will take a different approach on my Blog Post, looking at my confrontation with American culture. Although I had visited America before on holidays and for golf tournaments, it was only when I came to Rollins and truly lived…
Confronting communication
In my first week of exploring London, I remember the greatest challenge was talking to sales associates. I wasn’t always in tourist areas and with long shifts they did not speak particularly slow. I found it initially frustrating because we both spoke the same language, but I had no idea what they were saying. When…
Cultural Confrontation in Italy Edition
Being in a foreign country, miles from home is not always easy nor do we always highlight the whole story of what looks like glorious travels. I have been trying to make the most of my time abroad which has included traveling to a new area or country outside of Rome every weekend. With this,…
Cultural Confrontation in Italy
It has officially been over 8 weeks since I arrived for my study abroad in Italy. One thing that I for sure have noticed is how quick time flies (not just for me, but all those studying abroad with me as well) and how you don’t notice until you look back and remember that it…
Cultural Confrontation in Irbid
I have been in Jordan for a little over a month now. Throughout this month, I have been surprised at the LACK of culture shock I have experienced here. Life in Jordan is extremely different from life in the U.S., but my excitement and curiosity have kept me from feeling frustrated by cultural differences. I…
Cultural Confrontation: Portugal!
I can’t lie, I have experienced multiple instances of cultural frustration I could write about: being a vegetarian in the Iberian peninsula; how difficult it is to get water at a restaurant, and also the lack of ice; the lack of spices to cook with in the grocery stores… But for this instance, I would…
Cultural Confrontation
I’ve been in the U.K now for the past week and have found it quite similar to the culture in the U.S. Both the U.S and the U.K are industrialized Western countries so I did not expect a lot of differences. But of course, there are enough differences that have gave me a chuckle or…
Blog Post #2
Traveling to Greece with the mindset that cultural confrontation would happen has made it much easier for me to accept and appreciate different cultural and everyday practices. However, there are some moments when I still get a little overwhelmed. The most common example of cultural confrontation that I have experienced is probably grocery shopping. Each…