Throughout my time here in London, I’ve noticed a lot of things people do here that are very different that what we do in the U.S. One specific thing is the travel here in the UK. People tend to take a lot of public transportation instead of driving their cars. Walking or taking the tub…
Cultural Confrontation – Service
One experience of cultural confrontation that I faced within my first month abroad was to do with the service industry in the UK compared to that of the US. A few weeks ago I was out at dinner for a friend’s birthday. We went to a popular italian place nearby. We had made a reservation…
Cultural Confrontation
One of the biggest cultural differences that I have struggled with while in Greece is the normality of staring and being stared at. Having been raised in the States, I have the understanding that staring at people is considered rude or disrespectful. However, since being in Greece, I have realized what a common practice this…
Blog Post #2
One of my first experiences after arriving abroad was a funny but prevalent moment of cultural confrontation. Freshly off the plane, trying to settle in at my new London flat one of the first things that I needed to do was grocery shop. Obviously, I know that grocery shopping in a new country would not…
Blog Post #1
American culture is not only defined by its fast-paced lifestyle, fashion, and “to-go” coffee cups. It is also the culture of many diversity, different religions, races, and ethnicities. It is a culture that nourishes competition and political correctness, and also tries to enforce the freedom of speech. I feel Americans aren’t most known for our…
Blog Post #1
When I think of American culture, I mainly think of the American dream. Being abroad, it was surprising to me to see how others view America essentially as a pot of gold. They view it as the land of opportunities. This is mainly because of the vast amount of money to go around the country….
Blog Post #1
A lot of the US culture is based around convenience- how to get things done the fastest and easiest. Whether this occurs in production and manufacturing or at a restaurant, it is apparent in everyday life as an American. I think this is extremely visible in food service, Americans love food to be fast and…
Prompt #1 – PreDeparture
Growing up, children stare out the windows and envision a world of fantasy, going on adventures, and being embraced in something larger than themselves. Even in college, I stare out the windows and wished for a new perspective, an adventure that will change my thinking and push my comfort zone. I am thrilled to begin,…
Blog #1
Born in Dresden, Germany, my time in the U.S. was a study abroad. Culture and identity have always followed me in my life. My Dad is Dutch, and my mother is German. Living in a household where cultures are different, one learns to accept the differences and enjoy them. Living in several countries and travelling,…
Looking within the U.S to Better Understand Rome
An aspect of US culture is overconsumption. In many different aspects the United States has a tendency to over serve or consume. When it comes to meals our portions are large and it is common to find buffets, all you can eat and deals on maximizing the amount of food you get. This is also…