My identity did change a lot over the course of me being in London. Before going to London, I would have considered myself a kind of shy suburban born kid who had never really lived on his own. After coming back to the United States, I am now realizing that I am a more mature…
Rome, Here I Come!
Time really flies by when so many (exciting) things are happening. It feels like just the other day I was applying for the program and now, in just seven days, I will be leaving for Rome, Italy!! Yeah, I am still processing that information. But wow, four months filled with endless experiences, learning, and memories….
Post #5 – CAPA London
A time I felt fully immersed in the culture of the U.K. was when I was commuting back home from my internship and felt very in tune to the rhythm of the people around me. It was during the election so I wasn’t coming from Westminster but from the constituency office near the neighborhood where…
My Purpose to Travel: Pre-departure Blog Post
It seems almost surreal that in less than a week I will be embarking on a journey that I have been dreaming about for as long as I can remember. I knew that I always wanted to study abroad during my college years, but where or even if it was possible to do so were…
Till Our Next Adventure, London
Prior towards embarking on my study abroad experience in London, I never realised the stark cultural difference that my southern, American-born identity would have in my perception of London. As I now sit in the comfort of my home, I am struck by how one’s identity can greatly impact their experience in another environment with…
First Post: Pre-departure to Japan
1 week before leaving for Osaka, I start thinking about how to prepare myself for challenges I would face while studying abroad. I know that living and studying in a foreign country could be very different in many aspects in terms of living behaviors and cultural values. Luckily, as a Chinese student, I find Japanese…
Finally Home and I Know Less than I Did Before
Now that my abroad experience has come to an end, I can undoubtedly say that personal identities have an impact on how one experiences the world. In my pre-departure blog post, I assumed that this was the case, but I had no idea to what extent this was true and in with facets of life…
Reflecting on the Irish Experience
Reflecting on my time in Ireland, it feels like a whirlwind of leaning about culture and privilege. My time abroad has proven to me that my identity does indeed impact how I see the world. I had a very specific image in my mind of what Ireland would look like- rolling green hills, breathtaking greenery,…
Reflections on the Washington Semester Program
Spending a semester in D.C., I didn’t think I would experience many regional differences or spend time growing and learning in my identity in a unique way to what I have experienced in the past. However, my experience was one of personal and professional growth. First, I’ll reflect on some uniquely “D.C. things” that I…
Pre-departure Blog post
Today I am thinking a lot about my future in my study abroad experience. I am excited, while of course nervous spending so much time in another country. The weather is one thing I am slightly worried about. I have only ever lived in California and Florida, so I haven’t lived in cold weather. I…