Did you know we’re evaluating a trial database called HistoryMakers, an African American video oral history collection (through April 16)? Also, we now have two more trials available: for some specific primary sources on African American history, from Gale Archives Unbound (through the end of April); and a third, also through the end of April, for Swank Motion Pictures.
As the description on the trial page notes (https://www.rollins.edu/library/find/trialdb.html), the Swank trial includes trailers but doesn’t include any copyrighted films; it’s just a way for us to test the interface. However if we adopted it, we would be able to license a limited number of feature films at a time for coursework, as we’ve seen high demand for streaming movies for classes. We’d love to receive your feedback on any of these databases; there’s a form available on the trial page.