Our friend Jen Atwell has come up with a great idea to celebrate reading on campus. Based on similar campaigns in Washington DC and London, Jen thought why not on campus?
Calling it Books at Rollins, once per month over the course of the Spring semester we will choose a book related to a campus event and leave ten copies of the book at random spots around campus. If you see one, pick it up and read a bit. Perhaps it grabs your attention, so take it with you to read. Once you are finished, leave it somewhere on campus for someone else to pick up and read.
But before you do, make sure you leave a photo on your favorite social network and use the hashtags #BooksatRollins and #RollinsCollege.
Copies of the first book, Dr. Martin Luther King’s Where Do We Go From Here, timed to coincide with the campus MLK Week events, are already out and about on campus.
Find it. Read it. Leave it.