ProQuest Database Outage

Update:  ProQuest databases are available again as of 3/1/2017.  If you are still having trouble accessing them, you might need to clear your browser cache. Due to a systemic outage of Amazon Web Services, all ProQuest databases are currently unavailable.  This outage affects on and off campus access to all ProQuest databases, including: ABI/Inform Historical …

Find it, read it, leave it.

Our friend Jen Atwell has come up with a great idea to celebrate reading on campus. Based on similar campaigns in Washington DC and London, Jen thought why not on campus? Calling it Books at Rollins, once per month over the course of the Spring semester we will choose a book related to a campus event …

What do you think of library services at Rollins?

Your opinion counts! Beginning October 17th, we will send emails to randomly-selected students, faculty, and staff providing a link to a library service quality survey called LibQual+. As we plan for the future of Olin Library, it is important that we understand the perceptions and expectations of our campus community so that we can provide …