We are pleased to announce that we’ve added access to the following databases for Olin patrons:
The Economist Archive:
For over 170 years, the Economist has reported on the world’s political, business, scientific, technological, and cultural developments and the connections between them. The Economist Historical Archive offers full-color and full-text coverage of each weekly issue of the magazine from 1843-four years ago, with a new year of content added each year.
Life Magazine Archive:
Full-color, cover-to-cover coverage of the photojournalism magazine from its first issue in November 1936 through December 2000.
National Geographic Magazine Archive:
Comprehensive, timely articles and legendary photos documenting life on our planet any beyond. The National Geographic Archive offers full-color and full-text coverage of each issue of the magazine from 1888-current.
Smithsonian Magazine Archive:
The full archive of the Smithsonian Institution’s official journal, including Air & Space.
Time Magazine Archive:
Full-color, cover-to-cvoer coverage of the magazine from its first issue in March 1923 through December 2000.
These resources, as well as many others are available at https://www.rollins.edu/library/find/finddatabases.html
Library Serials Update
Greetings Olin Patrons
In order to make room for the thousands of print books we continue to buy each year, the Rollins College faculty from every department have carefully reviewed our collection of print and microform serials.
The vast majority of our serials have been online for many years, and we have found that people rarely use them in other formats. Over the next few days, our dedicated library employees will be working hard to remove the serials that were canceled long ago and that we no longer need to support the curriculum. Soon we will have room for our newest books on the open shelves!