Learning From Others
When I wasn’t presenting my poster, I attended other poster sessions and panel discussions from other Rollins students and professors. On the same day of my presentation, we had our other students present their posters with the professors they worked with. Kaylee Atwell, a Rollins alum, did a paper presentation with Dr. Andrew Luchner before my poster presentation about her senior research from the previous year.
Jenny Goldsher was a research assistant for both Dr. Woodward and Dr. Harris on two separate research projects; one was about circadian rhythms in baseball players and the other was about people’s coping mechanisms on Facebook before Hurricane Irma. Kaitlin Snyder presented two posters, one of them being an extension of research about personality and compassion. Charlotte Leftwitch, Jessica Gonzalez, Dr. Houston and Dr. Harris had a poster exploring the construct of GRIT. Dr. Dunn presented a poster on her research in conjunction with the business department at Rollins about facial characteristics.
Jenny and Dr. Woodward at the 8:30-10:50 am poster session.
On Friday, Dr. Dunn, Dr. Luchner, Kaylee, Nicole Dunn (Dr. Dunn’s daughter) and Kaitlin spoke on a panel discussion about the challenges clinician professors face in the classroom settings and how to deal with them. They mostly spoke about the boundaries that they set with students, as students have a tendency to disclose information to them like they are their own personal therapists. This is an important issue, as it breaks ethical guidelines that professors have with their students. They spoke about setting boundaries right away with students and having them have space to talk about some of their issues. If they felt that they were unable to remain objective, they would speak with the student about going to CAPS or other services.
I learned so much about other research areas from my colleagues and I am excited for their future research!