Embedding Complete Bipartite Graphs with Cayley Maps

Our ability to replicate the optimal genera when embedding complete bipartite graphs onto orientable surfaces varied (See Table Below). Though with K_{2,2} and K_{3,3} we were able to obtain optimal genera 0 and 1, respectively, we found that it was impossible to obtain an optimal graph embedding for K_{5,5} and K_{7,7} using Cayley Maps. The smallest orientable surface K_{5,5} can embed using this method is a six-holed torus, and K_{7,7} can embed, at best, an
eight-holed torus. This is likely due to K_{5,5} and K_{7,7} being larger, and therefore more complex, than K_{2,2} and K_{3,3}. As shown in the table below we have yet to determine the minimum genus obtainable using a Cayley Map for K_{11,11}. Because K_{11,11} is much larger than the other complete bipartite graphs discussed, there are more possible face size combinations to rule out, and, as demonstrated in Theorem 7, doing so can be a lengthy process.

Though using Cayley Maps as a way to embed complete bipartite graphs may not produce the best genera, K_{5,5}‘s Cayley Map genus was only three higher than optimal, and K_{7,7}‘s was only one higher. Therefore, this method can still be useful if simplicity is a greater priority than genus optimality.

Table Comparing Genera Obtained using Cayley Maps to the Optimal Genera.