List of Equations

Euler Characteristic Formula: \chi = V - E + F, where V is the number of vertices, E is the number of edges, and F is the number of faces.

Genus Formula: 2-2g=\chi, where g is the genus.

Equation 1. For each x_i \in \rho, \lambda(x_i)=\rho(x_i^{-1}).

Equation 2. For n_e, where n_e is an even integer, L(n_e,n_e)=(\frac{n_e}{2})^2-n_e+1.

Equation 3. For n_o, where n_o is an odd integer, L(n_o,n_o)=\frac{n_o^2+3}{4}-n_o+1.

Equation 4. Let m be the order of the sum of the elements in F_j. The total number of edges, t, of the face produced by \lambda_j is (t = m|F_j|).

Equation 5. The number of occurrences, c, of each face is c=\frac{2p|F_j|}{t} = \frac{2p}{m}, where m is the order of the sum of the elements in F_j.

Equation 6. The number of darts, d, in C_M(Z_{2p}, \rho) is d=ct= pV.