Rotations & Faces


Each vertex in a Cayley Map has the same rotation. That is, the graph is embedded on a surface such that the edge labels of the darts branching from each vertex are equal to the product (*) of the value of the vertex, a, and each element in \rho. The figure below shows the Cayley Maps for

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C_M(Z_{6},(1 \hspace{2} 3\hspace{2} 5\hspace{2}))

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Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
leading text: $C_M(Z_{6},(1 \hspace{2}

, where each of vertices are a member of Z_{6} and have the same rotation,
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(1 \hspace{2} 3\hspace{2} 5\hspace{2})

*** Error message:
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
leading text: $(1 \hspace{2}

. \textit{Note: The remaining figures of Cayley Maps in this paper will show only the Cayley Map with center vertex a=0.}

Cayley Maps
*** QuickLaTeX cannot compile formula:
C_M(Z_{6},(1 \hspace{2} 3\hspace{2} 5\hspace{2}))

*** Error message:
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
leading text: $C_M(Z_{6},(1 \hspace{2}

for all vertices {0,1,2,3,4,5}.

Z_{2p}– Suppose S' is a closed generating set for Z_{2p}, and C_G(Z_{2p},S') is a Cayley Graph for K_{p,p}. The only subgroup in Z_{2p} with order p is the set of even numbers {0, \dots ,2p-2}. Therefore, the coset of Z_{2p}, and thus the rotation of C_M(Z_{2p},\rho), is comprised of all odd numbers \{1, \dots , 2p - 1\}.

D_p– Suppose S' is a closed generating set for D_p, and C_G(D_{p},S') is a Cayley Graph for K_{p,p}. Since the only subgroup of order p in D_p is the set of rotations, the coset of D_p is the set of reflections. Therefore, S' = \{ r^if : 0 \le i < p\}. Because reflections have order 2, every element in the rotation is of order 2.


Connecting all the vertices of the Cayley Maps makes a mapping that forms a surface. The surface is comprised of faces. \mathcal{F} = { F_1, \dots, F_j} is the set of all faces formed by C_M(G,\rho).
Given a Cayley Map C_M(G,\rho), where \rho is a cyclic permutation of a closed generating set

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*** Error message:
Missing { inserted.
leading text: $S^'

, and \lambda is a permutation of
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*** Error message:
Missing { inserted.
leading text: $S^'

defined by \lambda(x)=\rho(x^{-1}), \lambda can be written as a product of disjoint cycles \lambda = \lambda_1\lambda_2 \cdots \lambda_j (\textit{See Equation 1}). Each distinct face in \mathcal{F} corresponds to a cycle in \lambda. The figure below shows the faces formed by the Cayley Map
*** QuickLaTeX cannot compile formula:
C_M(Z_{10},(1 \hspace{2} 7\hspace{2} 5\hspace{2} 3 \hspace{2} 9))

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Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
leading text: $C_M(Z_{10},(1 \hspace{2}


The red darts show the formation of F_0, the blue darts show the formation of F_1, and the purple darts show the formation of F_2.

Equation 1. For each x_i \in \rho, \lambda(x_i)=\rho(x_i^{-1}).

Explanation. In Figure 3, each branch of the Cayley Map is labeled with an element in the rotation, \rho. An arrow pointing inward is labeled with the inverse (for instance, x_0^{-1}) of that branch’s element (x_0). The following arrow, which points outward, is labeled with the next element in the rotation (\rho(x_0)). These two arrows form part of a face (\lambda(x_0^{-1})=\rho(x_0)). Thus, the relationship between the rotation and faces can be described by the equation \lambda(x_i)=\rho(x_i^{-1}).

More definitions and equations:
(a) F_j is the face corresponding to \lambda_j.
(b) |F_j| is the length of \lambda_j.
(c) If \lambda_j = (x_{j_1} x_{j_2} \dots x_{j_k}), then m_j = ord(x_{j_1} * x_{j_2} * \dots * x_{j_k}) is the order in G of the product x_{j_1} * x_{j_2} * \dots * x_{j_k}.
(d) T_j = m_j|F_j| is the number of edges in the face F_j.
(e) C_j=\frac{2p|F_j|}{T_j} = \frac{2p}{m_j} is the number of F_j faces.
(f) D=2\cdot |S'| \cdot V is the total number of darts in the embedding (twice the number of edges), where V is the number of vertices.

The example below shows the faces formed by C_M(Z_{14},(5 1 3 7 9 13 11)), including the faces’ sizes and number of occurrences. \cite{citation4}\cite{citation5}

C_M(Z_{14},(5 1 3 7 9 13 11)) is shown on the left.
Set of faces: \mathcal{F}=\{(1 11 7 9),(5 13 3)\}
F_0,(1 11 7 9), is a 4-gon with four elements. Therefore, there are \frac{14(4)}{4}=14 F_0 faces.
F_1,(5 13 3), is a 6-gon with three unique elements. Therefore, there are \frac{14(3)}{6}=7 F_1 faces.

Finding Faces
To determine the minimum genera that the Cayley Maps could yield, we focused on face types rather than specific rotations. Though the faces that a Cayley Map forms depends on what rotation is used (Equation 1), identifying the specific type of faces (4-gon, 6-gon, etc.) that a Cayley Map can form does not require a specific rotation. One technique we used was ensuring there were elements in the rotation such that the product of the edges of a given face type would equal the identity of the group. For example, let C_M(G,\rho) be a Cayley Map of a particular complete bipartite graph that uses a specific group G and some rotation \rho, such that there exists a 4-gon \in \mathcal{F}. There must exist either
\begin{addmargin}[3 em]{3 em}

  1. Four elements in \rho whose product equals e \in G (i.e., \exists x,y,z,w \in \rho : x<em>y</em>z*w=e), or \
  2. Two elements in \rho whose product squared equals e \in G (i.e., \exists x,y \in \rho : (x*y)^2=e).
    By finding whether or not such elements exist for a variety of face types, we were able to determine which faces could be formed by the Cayley Maps of specific complete bipartite graphs. After finding the smallest face sizes the Cayley Maps could form, we were able to determine the maximum number of said faces by using the equations described in Section 2.4.2 (d) and (e). The Euler Characteristic formula was then used to find the minimum genera for the complete bipartite graphs using Cayley Maps.