Cayley Graphs & Cayley Maps

Cayley Graphs
Cayley Graphs are a way of representing groups. Let G be a group with generating set S. The Cayley Graph, C_G(G,S), is a graph where all members of G are vertices, and two vertices, v and w, are adjacent if w=vs or v=ws for some s \in S.

Cayley Graph C_G(Z_{10},\{1,3,5\}), drawn two ways. The red lines represent the vertices that are connected by the 1 in the generating set, the blue lines represent the vertices connected by the 3, and the green lines represent the vertices connected by the 5. Notice that C_G(Z_{10},{1,3,5}) is the same as K_{5,5}.

Cayley Maps
Let S' be a closed generating set of G. The Cayley Map C_M(G,\rho) is an embedding of C_G(G,S') onto an orientable surface, where \rho=(x_0,\dots, x_{n-1}) is a rotation (cyclic permutation) of S'.

Cayley Map C_M(G,(x_0,\dots, x_{n-1})) where a \in G. Notice that the elements in the rotation are assigned to the branches of the Cayley Map in counterclockwise order