Home » Embedding Complete Bipartite Graphs with Cayley Maps » Euler Characteristic & Genus

Euler Characteristic & Genus

Each Cayley Map has an Euler Characteristic, \chi, such that \chi=v-e+f, where v is the number of vertices, e is the number of edges, and f is the number of faces. The \chi of different Cayley Maps is the same if the Cayley Maps embed the same surface.

The genus, g, is equal to the number of holes in the surface. Spheres have a genus of 0, one-holed toruses have a genus of 1, two-holed toruses have a genus of 2, etc. The genus of a graph can be found using the formula \chi=2-2g.

According to Ringel, for any positive integer n, the genus of the complete bipartite graph K_{n,n} is L(n,n), where L(n,n) if the ceiling of \frac{(n-2)^2}{4}. Equations 2 and 3 show the formulas for even and odd integers, specifically.

Equation 2. For n_e, where n_e is an even integer, L(n_e,n_e)=(\frac{n_e}{2})^2-n_e+1.

Equation 3. For n_o, where n_o is an odd integer, L(n_o,n_o)=\frac{n_o^2+3}{4}-n_o+1.