
A group G is a set with a binary operation * , such that
1. The set has an identity element e (i.e.,

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leading text: $g</em>&

\forall g \in G).
2. Each element g \in G has an inverse g^{-1} (i.e., g</em>*g^{-1} = g^{-1}*g = e).

Generating Set of a Finite Group
The generating set S is a set of elements in a finite group G such that every element in G is a product of the elements in S. That is, the entire group can be formed using just the elements in S and the group’s operation. A generating set S is closed if for any s in S, s^{-1} \in S.

Groups for K_{p,p}
We focused on complete bipartite graphs with a prime number, p, of vertices in each set. Cayley Graphs that represent complete bipartite graphs K_{p,p} use groups that have 2p vertices. The only groups with 2p vertices are Z_{2p}, D_p, and Z_2 x Z_p. We only need to consider Z_{2p} and D_p when making Cayley Maps for K_{p,p}, because Z_2p and Z_2 x Z_p are isomorphic, unless p=2, and in that case D_2 and Z_2 x Z_2 are isomorphic.

Within each group G there exists a subgroup, and the remaining vertices in the group form a coset, C. C is equal to the closed generating set of G, so its elements are used to form the rotation used in the Cayley Map C_M(G,\rho). In the context of the complete bipartite graph K_{p,p}, the vertices that are in the same set as the identity element form a subgroup H of order p, and the other p elements form a coset of H.

Cyclic Groups
Suppose S' is a closed generating set for Z_{2p}, and C_G(Z_{2p},S') is a Cayley Graph for K_{p,p}. The only subgroup in Z_{2p} with order p is the set of even numbers {0, \dots ,2p-2}. Therefore, the coset of Z_{2p}, and thus the rotation of C_M(Z_{2p},\rho), is comprised of all odd numbers \{1, \dots , 2p - 1\}.

Dihedral Group
Suppose S' is a closed generating set for D_p, and C_G(D_{p},S') is a Cayley Graph for K_{p,p}. Since the only subgroup of order p in D_p is the set of rotations, the coset of D_p is the set of reflections. Therefore, S' = \{ r^if : 0 \le i < p\}. Because reflections have order 2, every element in the rotation is of order 2.