
The optimal genus for K_{3,3} is g=1. We were able to obtain the same genus using a Cayley Map with group Z_6 and rotation \rho=(1 3 5).

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C_M(Z_6,(1 3 5))
The face set is \mathcal{F}=\{(3 5),(1)\}, where F_0 and F_1 are both 6-gons, and there are two F_0 faces. Using the Euler Characteristic Formula, \chi=0, so g=1.
Cayley Map C_M(K_6,(1 3 5)) embedded into a torus (g=1). When the vertices are connected, the three hexagons (right) form a torus (left). The green and yellow faces use the permutation \lambda_0=(3 5), and the blue face uses the permutation \lambda_1=(1).

Because the rotation for Z_6 only has three elements, there is only one other possible rotation, \rho=(3 1 5). This rotation produces the same genus as \rho=(1 3 5), but with different faces:

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Missing } inserted.
leading text: $\mathcal{F}={(3$

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Extra }, or forgotten $.
leading text: $1),(5)}

. Using D_3 instead of Z_6 produces the same genus as well, but \mathcal{F}={\rho}.

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Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
leading text: $\hspace{1}

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Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
leading text: $\hspace{1}

r^2f)\}, and\lambda_0produces three 6-gons. Using the Euler Characteristic Formula,\chi=0, sog=1$.