Hello Mates! I have been in Australia for exactly 2months, and I just returned from my mid-semester break in New Zealand. I struggle to put this experience into words, as I am still in sort of a shock at the things I experienced there. A good shock, but a shock nevertheless. I arrived in New…
Australia Blog Post 1
I am in my fourth week of study abroad, and “mid-semester break” is approaching. I use the quotation marks because it is hard to not call the week long break Spring Break, but since I am in the opposite hemisphere, it is fall here, hence the mid-semester break title. I have decided that I am…
Parisian Fashion!
During my time here in London, I have been fortunate enough to travel around to different countries! Everywhere in Europe is easily accessible and fairly cheap to travel to through smaller airlines. About two weeks ago, I was able to travel to Paris to celebrate my birthday with my family! My mom used to live…
When you hit apply and they actually follow up…
I’ve had so much free time because I’ve forced myself to only leave my dorm room once or twice a week if I’m spending money. Other times I’ll leave (about 4 – 5 times a week) is strictly for studying and exercising at the Anytime Fitness nearby. I have to make money last. It’s…
Finding Family in Fasito’o
After a weeklong stay in a rural village, my knowledge and understanding of Samoan culture has grown significantly. I found myself doing things I never could have imagined – like scraping a coconut on a bench or having someone fan my food while I ate. I was accepted into an enormous family of about seventeen…
Semana Santa- Scandinavian version
Hello to those who are reading ! I am currently on “Spring Break” which in Spain they have easter week off. Calling it “Semana Santa”. I decided to travel during this break instead of staying in Spain, even though this is one of the best weeks to be in Spain. I decided to pack my…
Dublin During Easter
History was made in Dublin this weekend. For the first time in over 120 years the general population was allowed to drink alcohol on Good Friday and boy oh boy were they happy about it. People were celebrating and dancing in the late afternoon. Dublin is an amazing city! I loved wandering through the streets….
black coffee
So i mentioned in my last post that I don’t think London is as cool as everyone chalks it up to be, and I’m definitely going to stick to those guns. This post isn’t about that though, rather I’m gonna talk about what has been going on in my brain lately. School here is literally…
Promesa de Putre
Yesterday marked the end of our first of two excursions during our program and, though physically exhausted, I feel a newfound emotional and mental revitalization that has brought me out of a slump that, before this trip, I hadn’t even known I was in. During the last six days, I have traveled to both Arica,…
More to London
I can’t believe there are only 3 weeks left of the semester! It has flown by so fast and surprisingly, I’m not ready to leave! London has been an amazing experience for me personally. I’ve learned so much about the city; London is nothing of what I imagined it to be. This city is a…