One month from now I will be in Oviedo, Spain for my semester abroad experience. Studying abroad and learning Spanish has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember and to think that it will soon be a reality is unbelievably exciting and nerve-racking all at the same time. When I…
Travel Travel Travel
Planning trips around New Zealand has pretty much consumed my time here. I am constantly looking forward to the weekend and the next weekend and the next. However, for the past few weekends it seems that mother nature has been against us travelers, as it tends to rain at some point during the weekend. The…
Excited for Japan!
With less than one month away from my arrival in Japan, I’m feeling both nervous and excited. I’ve never been out of the country before; in fact, I’ve barely been out of the state! I’ve also never lived alone, which makes this journey both an exhilarating one and a frightening one. I’ve been looking forward…
Along for the Ride
I have officially survived the first two weeks of classes here in New Zealand and almost a complete month out of the country and to be completely honest, its been one heck of a roller coaster ride. People weren’t kidding when they said the first few weeks were going to be the toughest. I’ve struggled a…
Beaches, Cones, and Rugby
Wow so much has happened since my last blog post! Well to start off, I went to my first ever rugby game with all the other kids from my program and it was a blast! We got there a bit early and was able to get seats in the second row of “the Zoo” which…
Dunner stunner
It’s officially been 2 weeks since the start of classes. I can’t believe it’s already been so long! These 2 weeks have been spent getting to know my flat mates, exploring cool areas in Dunedin, and relaxing and feeling out my classes, after all – I’m not here on vacation, no matter how much it…
The Countdown to Buenos Aires
The countdown to my flight to Buenos Aires has begun. I can’t believe I only have one more week before I hop on a flight to Argentina! It will be my first time going to South America and I couldn’t be more excited to be studying in such a beautiful place; the Paris of South…
Final Thoughts
There were so many great memories that I made during my four weeks in Germany that it’s very difficult for me to choose one. I got to see so many beautiful places, made wonderful friends from several countries and continents, and was able to eat delicious foods from all around Europe. I was fortunate enough…
Lasting Memory
It has been a week since the end of my trip in Munster and I am not sure how I feel. I am happy to be back home, but at the same time I wish the trip had been longer. I think my most lasting memory is not really one specific thing but the fact…
What a Whirlwind!
Who knew he first two weeks of this adventure would fly by so fast?! Fiji was a blast; it was the definition of paradise. The weather was amazing and the water was crystal clear. I met some of the most amazing people that are a part of my program and who would’ve thought that 36…