And so it begins… Yo! So this post is going to be a lot of things, my introduction, the blogs introduction, my plans for world domination… So much to cover, am I right? Let’s start off with a small introduction, shall we? I’m Shantell! I am a Junior in College (ew, I know. I swear…
Kia Ora!
These past two weeks have been an absolute whirlwind! In just two weeks I have traveled more than I have in my entire life. Starting off the trip in Fiji was absolutely unbelievable. I had never been somewhere and been completely surrounded by so much beauty. Everyone there was so genuine and incredibly friendly. I had never…
2 weeks later… BULA FIJI!
I absolutely cannot believe it’s been 2 weeks since I embarked on my study abroad journey. On June 24th, I was sitting in the airport, anxiously awaiting a trip to Fiji that I had no idea would impact me the way that it has. Where do I even begin… Fiji was hands down the most…
Back in America
So far, I have been back home in America for approximately 10 days. It hasn’t been as hard of a transition as I thought it would be, but maybe it hasn’t quite hit me yet. It is certainly strange to come back into a country where I can easily understand others’ accents and I don’t…
Final Blog
When I look back onto my time abroad in Germany I will most likely remember the layout of Munster. I don’t think I would ever forget the churches or the sound they made (because I was woken up by one everyday at 7 am) or the history that goes with them. The churches were enormous…
RIP Spencer the Gasthund
Like my first post, this one will be about my “Gasthund” Spencer. Over the past four weeks, our relationship grew exponentially… but something else did too. Tumors flared up in his liver and kidneys, metastasizing in just a month. This surprise illness meant that this sweet little baby had to be put down the day…
…in conclusion…
In comparison to the twenty or so years that most of us have lived on this earth, four weeks is not a whole lot of time. These four weeks were so jam-packed with lessons, both in the classroom and out, that they have made a far greater impact upon us than the time would suggest….
Lasting memory
There are so many memories that I have gain while being in Münster this summer. From meeting new people from around the world, traveling around Europe and improving my German. However the one memory that I think I will forever remember will be on my last day I finally was able to have an entire…
Verano 2016
This is a picture of the cathedral in Toledo, Spain (Catedral Primada Santa María de Toledo). At the end of a long, uphill walk, this was an incredible sight. The architecture both inside and out is so intricate and beautiful- qualities I personally think modern architecture lacks. Regular ceremonies take place here, including weekly church…
Madrid Blog #2
This is a picture of the city of Segovia. I visited the city right at the end of my Verano en Madrid experience. I loved this city, it’s old and small, and reminded me of Toledo, another old city to the south of Madrid. What makes Segovia famous is the ancient Aqueduct. This massive structure…