Study Abroad Shenanigans: Letters Home

From the College’s founding in the late nineteenth century, students at Rollins have been encouraged to study abroad at numerous destinations including Australia, China, and Ireland, to name just a few locales. Semester abroad programs give students the opportunity to immerse themselves in intercultural learning while pursuing their degree at Rollins. While abroad, students learn how to adjust to new cultures and different social climates, giving participants a holistic educational experience and special memories with new friends and communities. This blog aims to create fictitious letters from the perspective of a student studying abroad in Northern Ireland, 1989, with the help of historical artifacts from Rollins College Archives.

Students would apply for a specific international program by filling out an Intent to Study” form.

April 5th, 1989

Mom & Dad,

Sophomore year has gone so quickly I can’t believe it; maybe the Florida heat helps speed things up! The semester has not been too bad, my English professor was lame but apart from that I’ve done well, final grades will be out after exams. There have been some flyers going around campus about studying abroad. One of the boys from Sigma Phi Epsilon went to Ireland last fall and came back a changed man – that’s what he said. I spoke with my advisor Dr. Levis and he thinks it would be great for my major as there’s a lot of history to study in Dublin. If I was to go I’d only be there for a few months, September to December. Let me know what you guys think. Also, can you send me a few bucks? I’m running a little low. Hope everyone’s doing good, miss you guys.

Love, Kevin

April 27th, 1989

Mom & Dad,

I sent my intent to study application in today. I really hope I get accepted. Thank you both for agreeing to pay for it – it means so much. I know you said you’re worried about all the stuff happening with the IRA, but Dr. Lancaster said we’re going to Dublin which is in the Republic of Ireland, so no need to worry. Will let you know if I get accepted. Glad to hear you’re both doing good and thanks for footing the bill 🙂 

Love, Kevin

Once accepted participants received numerous materials for their upcoming semester including brochures which gave information about their upcoming trip.

May 7th, 1989

Mom & Dad,

I already picked my preferences for study abroad courses this morning. I still can’t believe I’m going. It feels surreal. They sent me a package today with a program handbook, course forms, class list, a “culturegram” about Ireland, and a consent form which I’ve put in here. I was looking at the fall program and we don’t have to have our courses finalized till the 29th of September so I have time in case I change my mind on what I want to take. I found out Steve got accepted, too, so I’ll have a buddy when I’m there. Mom – do you remember when we got my passport taken? The letter says if it’s out of date I need to get it renewed. I also found out I have to write to the family I’ll be staying with in Ireland. I hope they’re nice, it’d be cool if they had kids my age so they could show me around. Anyway, excited to see you both. I got a job at Miller’s for the summer, the hours are kicking my butt but it’s extra money for Ireland so it’ll help. 

Love, Kevin

June 29th, 1989

Mom & Dad, 

I’ve looked at the catalog for the books and they seem pretty expensive, but it’s for my history course. Did you manage to read the information brochure? I think Dr. Lancaster sent a memo about it. My host family responded to my letter. They own a bar, ‘pub’, called Doyle’s so I’m sure I’ll try my first real Guinness! I also found out they have a son, Connell, who’s a year younger than me studying at Trinity College in Dublin, so that’ll help. From the pamphlets I’ve read it seems like the weather’s a lot like Philly, so I was gonna ask if you could bring my clothes (most importantly jackets) when you come here. Excited to see you both.

Love, Kevin

August 24th, 1989

Mom & Dad,

Great seeing you both. I am a little nervous about leaving, but that’s probably because it’s so soon. They haven’t given us our International Student ID yet, but we’ve been told we’ll get them at the airport. I was also given my course schedule today. I’ll be taking International Marketing, Politics of Ireland, History of Art, and Liberation Theology. I know there’s been some things in the news about the IRA, but don’t worry too much. We leave next week, so this will probably be my last letter for a few weeks. You’ve got the address from the last memo, but just in case you’ve lost it I’ve written it at the bottom. Hopefully the next time I write I’ll have tried my first Guinness! 

Love, Kevin

Multiple classes were offered to students including Politics of Ireland and International Marketing.

20th September, 1989

Ma & Da,

Top of the mornin’ to you (the Irish way of saying good morning). Things have been good so far, Mr. and Mrs. Chambers are nice. Mrs. Chambers cooks really well; so far I’ve tried leek and potato soup, stew, and soda bread. Mr. Chambers also took me to their pub for my first Guinness. He let me go behind the bar, but got super mad with me because I didn’t tilt the glass. I had no idea that you had to pour it a certain way, it was so dope. This weekend, me and Connell are going to visit Howth, it’s a small village but supposedly has an amazing walk around the cliff. Mr. Chambers is letting Connell drive us in his Cortina, so it should be grand (as Connell says). My first few weeks of classes have been good, the only problem is I can’t understand my Literature Professor’s accent, he’s from Cavan county. Connell said people from Cavan have the thickest Irish accents, so I don’t feel too bad it. Steve also is in the class and he can’t understand him either. Hopefully we’ll make it through the class. The weather has not been too bad, it’s cold but nothing like Philly.

Love, Kevin

The IRA formed in 1919 to unite against the British ruling of Northern Ireland. The group was particularly active from the late 1960s until the Good Friday Agreement in 1998, which agreed that Northern Ireland was part of the United Kingdom. [This 1989 article was found online with]

1st October, 1989

Ma & Da,

I saw what you said in your last letter. I don’t want you guys worrying – The Philadelphia Inquirer is full of shite anyway. I’m in the heart of Dublin and if anything the Irish Republican Army is in Northern Ireland! I met some students from Trinity in the Chambers pub who were talking about it and they said all the IRA want to do is gain freedom from the British! My midterms are in three weeks, I’m not too worried about them, the only class I’m a little nervous about is Liberation Theology as I still can’t understand Dr. McCormack’s lectures. I know we talked about me coming back for thanksgiving but I’m going to stay here. I’m really enjoying it and don’t want to go back for such a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers said that we can have a beef roast instead, so that’ll be nice. 

I’m also a little tight on money now, too – remember to send euros not dollars.

Love, Kevin

Here are a few photos taken whilst studying abroad.

13th October, 1989

Ma & Da,

Wanted to send you these photos of around campus. I took them the first week we got there. Look at how tiny everything is! The classrooms are so small you have to shuffle to your seat. The street I’m living on is pretty cramped, but that’s what all the streets are like in Dublin. We also stopped off to take pictures of this really pretty lake when we were driving from the airport the day we landed – it was so green!

Love, Kevin

Grade reports would be sent to the College to keep track of students progress whilst abroad.

27th October, 1989

Ma & Da,

I got a B + in my mid-semester. I’m happy about it, I couldn’t have done more. I still can’t understand the guy! The good thing is the textbook is really helpful so I’ve been reading that. Liberation Theology is about the liberation of oppressed people through a Christian perspective, so as you can guess it’s quite biblical. I get what you are both saying about getting a job, I’ll ask Mr. Chambers if he knows someone who could give me a Saturday job. Miss you both,

Love, Kevin

Students could work whilst participating in the Ireland Program – helping to fund their classes, dorm needs, and “shenanigans.”

10th November, 1989

Ma & Da,

So, in the last letter I mentioned getting a job and I landed one at Mr. and Mrs. Chambers pub, Doyle’s. I’m a bartender on Friday’s and Saturday’s. I’m getting paid £15 per shift, so far I’ve made £45. I’ve had a little trouble with taking orders as they get really drunk and talk too quickly with an intense accent. Last weekend this guy kept asking for ‘black stuff,’ and he ended up pointing to the Guinness tap.  Maybe this weekend it’ll be easier as I’ll now know the slang for a Guinness. Steve asked me if he thinks Mr. Chambers could help him with a job. I don’t think he likes his host family too much. Me and Connell are going to Cooney’s this weekend, which he said is a fine spot for us fellas. Anyhow, hope all is well. 

Love, Kevin

Multiple excursions were offered to Students, allowing them to see different sites whilst in Ireland.
Aran Islands, Market St. Sligo, Custom House Belfast, and Cave entrance New Grange Co. Louth i.e. Co. Meath.
[Images from the National Library of Ireland:]

24th November, 1989

Ma & Da, 

I don’t know why you guys are upset about me getting my new job and living my life. I’m meeting locals, getting to know people and having a great time – this is what studying abroad is about!!! And you guys forget that the drinking age over here is 18 so I’m not doing anything illegal. Cooney’s was cracking, they keep playing U2 songs everywhere we go. My favorite is “With or Without You.” It’s cracking! I wanted to let you know that I went on an overnight trip to the Aran Islands. The Islands are just off Galway and Doolin. It was a really interesting place. They have their own type of dialect called Connemara Irish (I couldn’t tell the difference). Because the three islands are so isolated they basically survived on their own. When we arrived we had a picnic at Dún Aonghasa, it was pretty neat. In the afternoon we saw the Inishmore Seal Colony; it was cool but they didn’t do much. Apart from that not much else to report, I can’t believe it’s almost over. 

Love, Kevin

Parents were warned that their son or daughter might experience study abroad blues once retuning back to the United States.

15th December, 1989

Ma & Da,

I don’t want to leave. I feel like I’ve found the place that makes me the happiest. Ireland is so different from America. I’ve done well in all my classes. I’ve had a great job, made so many friends, and I’ve even met a girl called Orla. She’s been working at the bar with me and I’ve told her that I’ll stay till after Christmas to be with her. I know you won’t be happy about this, but it’s my life. I’m an adult and this is the best decision for me. I’ve spent my entire semester away and I’ve had to make a new life here, I’m not ready to leave just yet. I’ll need you to speak with Mrs. Edge about letting me stay behind but Mr. and Mrs. Chambers already said I can. Will let you know if anything changes. 

Love, Kevin

20th December, 1989

Ma & Da,

Me and Orla broke up. I’ve booked a flight to come back and it lands on Christmas eve at 8pm, Terminal A. Please pick me up.


About the Author


“Intent to study in cooperative program.” Foreign Study: Ireland, 1989, Archives and Special Collections, Olin Library, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida.

“Dublin Ireland.” Foreign Study: Ireland, Records from 1987, 1988, 1989, and 1990s. Archives and Special Collections, Olin Library, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida.

“Memorandum: Ireland-bound students.” Aug 24 1989, Foreign Study: Ireland, 1989. Archives and Special Collections, Olin Library, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida.

“Irish Studies Programme 1989.” Sept. 8 1989, Foreign Study: Ireland – 1989. Archives and Special Collections, Olin Library, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida.

“Explosion kills 10 at marine base in England; IRA bomb suspected,” The Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, PA) Sept. 23, 1989.

“Photos of 1985 students.” Dublin guides & info. Foreign Study: Ireland – 1989. Archives and Special Collections, Olin Library, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida.

“Irish studies programme marksheet 1989.” Foreign Study: Ireland – 1989. Archives and Special Collections, Olin Library, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida.

“Facts and Figures: Work in Ireland.” Dublin guides & info. Foreign Study: Ireland – 1989. Archives and Special Collections, Olin Library, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida.

“Offered trips.” Foreign Study: Ireland, Records from 1987, 1988, 1989, and 1990s. Archives and Special Collections, Olin Library, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida.

“Memorandum: participants in the 1989 fall term in Dublin.” Foreign Study: Ireland – 1989. Archives and Special Collections, Olin Library, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida.

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