Artist Samuel Aye-Gboyin, Pathways 2024: Carlos Malamud Prize Finalist

By on July 17th, 2024 in Exhibitions & Events at Rollins Museum of Art, Pathways: The Carlos Malamud Prize
Samuel Aye-Gboyin Poses with his works on view at UCF Art Gallery, Photo: Jessica Abels

Samuel Aye-Gboyin is one of only six finalists chosen to have works on view in both the UCF Art Gallery and Rollins Museum of Art as part of the Pathways 2024: Carlos Malamud Prize exhibition. The prize offers a pathway to success for emerging artists in Florida. In addition to having his works on view, as a Pathways finalist Samuel receives mentorship from industry professionals.

About the Artist

Samuel Aye-Gboyin is an artist who works in various mediums such as design, photography, video, and animation. He is currently an MFA candidate in Art and Technology at the School of Art and Art History, University of Florida. Samuel received his master’s degree with an emphasis in Graphic Design from Eastern Illinois University in 2022, in addition to his bachelor’s degree in communication design with a concentration in animation and motion graphics from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology in 2018.

Samuel utilizes an interdisciplinary approach to his work using these mediums to track what is happening today. Be it his frame-to-frame animation technique or compelling monochrome images, he investigates the topics of commerce, migration, globalization, and hybridity. His work bears witness to the ever-evolving conversation between the fleeting realms and the parallel worlds that coexist. 

Works on View at Rollins Museum of Art by Samuel Aye-Gboyin through September 1

Black and white photo by Samuel Aye-Gboyin featuring an older boy reading with a smiling younger boy

SAMUEL AYE-GBOYIN (Ghanaian, b. 1991) 



22 x 17 in. 

Courtesy of the artist 

Works by Samuel Aye-Gboyin in Pathways 2024: The Carlos Malamud Prize exhibition at Rollins Museum of Art. Learn more in the exhibition catalog.

Rollins msueum of aRt Gallery with Samuel Aye-Gboyin black and white photos tv playing video on the wall

Works on View at UCF Art Gallery by Samuel Aye-Gboyin through August 30

SAMUEL AYE-GBOYIN (Ghanaian, b. 1991) 



17 x 22 in.  

Courtesy of the artist 

Works by Samuel Aye-Gboyin in Pathways 2024: The Carlos Malamud Prize exhibition at UCF Art Gallery. Learn more in the exhibition catalog.

Samuel Aye-Gboyin Artist Statement

My art practice is an exploration of the profound stories hidden within the margins of society, where unsung heroes reside. “Rare View Mirror,” a series of photographs I have created, delves into the lives of those who often go unnoticed, yet are the backbone of Ghana’s small-scale industry. In this body of work, I challenge our preconceived notions of power, commerce, and privilege by shining a spotlight on these individuals.

Works by Samuel Aye-Gboyin in Pathways 2024: the Carlos Malamud Prize exhibition at UCF Art Gallery Photo: Jessica Abels

The inspiration for “Rare View Mirror” draws from the influential works of Diane Arbus, a pioneer in the art of capturing the marginalized and unconventional. Arbus’ ability to elicit a sense of “othering” in her viewers has been a profound source of inspiration for me. I seek to replicate this effect in my work, encouraging viewers to question the boundaries we construct around our perceptions of normalcy and the exceptional. 

Through the lens of my camera, I aim to provoke contemplation about the dynamics of power and privilege, and how they intersect with the lives of ordinary people. These photographs become my vehicles of expression, enabling me to construct new narratives by placing these often marginalized individuals within contexts of affluence, beauty, power, and authority. This juxtaposition forces the viewer to confront their own biases and assumptions, making them reconsider the roles we assign to different members of our society. 

The series comprises inkjet prints on matte paper, chosen intentionally to enhance the stark yet evocative nature of the images. The matte finish adds depth and tactile quality, allowing the subjects to emerge from the prints as though they are tangible, urging viewers to engage with their stories and experiences.

 My work is driven by a deep commitment to social commentary and storytelling. I use photography as a medium to explore the complex relationships between individuals and the world they inhabit. It is my belief that art should serve as a mirror to society, reflecting the truths we often overlook. “Rare View Mirror” encapsulates my dedication to this philosophy by shedding light on those whose stories are seldom told yet are undeniably crucial to the tapestry of our communities. 

In this ongoing exploration of the human experience, my research extends beyond the lens. I delve into the lives, struggles, and aspirations of the people I photograph, seeking to understand their unique narratives. This deeper connection with my subjects informs my artistic vision, allowing me to create images that resonate not only visually but also emotionally.

Photo: Jessica Abels

Through “Rare View Mirror,” I aim to provoke conversations, challenge stereotypes, and redefine our perceptions of power and privilege. I hope that my work inspires viewers to see the extraordinary in the seemingly ordinary and appreciate the beauty in the lives of those who exist on the fringes of society. 

Missed the Livestream? Watch Artists Talks with Pathways: The Carlos Malamud Prize Finalists on YouTube

Rollins Museum of Art and UCF Art Gallery presented two livestreamed Artist Talks in the Summer 2024 season featuring three Pathways 2024 finalists in each recording.

June 11, 2024 features artists Patricia L. Cooke, Tenee’ Hart, and Diego Alejandro Waisman

July 16, 2024 features artists: Samuel Aye-Gboyin, Fernando Ramos, and Clio Yang

Free Exhibition Tours

August 23, 2024 at 11am UCF Art Gallery

August 30, 2024 at 11am Rollins Museum of Art

View the Pathways 2024 Exhibition Catalog

About Pathways 2024: The Carlos Malamud Prize

This collaborative partnership between the Rollins Museum of Art and the UCF Art Gallery at the University of Central Florida celebrates and supports emerging professional artists working in Florida. Finalists’ works are exhibited in both locations and the winnier receive a $10,000 cash prize, a solo exhibition, a consulting session with a financial advisor, professional development, and participates as a juror for the following edition of the exhibition.

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