Day: November 16, 2020

Have you ever seen the drama mask that is half happy and half sad? Masks like these are used to express different types of emotions to an audience. Another form of these masks is called grief masks. Grief masks are an easy way for children to express their feelings through drawing and coloring. The goal […]
Pink cardboard box filled with cards and items in memory of a loved one
When someone important you dies. it can be hard to understand all of your thoughts and feelings. Some people worry that they will forget about the person who has died. Some think that talking about the person will make other people sad. or find that talking is too hard. A memory box can help you […]
Many people struggle to find ways to honor and hold on to their loved ones. The purpose of the memory bracelet is to provide a creative way to honor loved ones and keep them close. Research shows that “art therapy uses creative expression to provide individuals with a safe outlet for expressing thoughts and emotions […]
For centuries, many cultures have released lanterns into the sky in celebration of hopes, wishes, and significant events. “In Thai culture, these lanterns are a symbol of problems and worries floating away” (Meaning & History of Sky Lanterns, 13 Jan. 2014). “This beautiful tradition illuminates the night, proving to everyone that light can always be […]
Butterflies represent a lot of different things. They are symbols of hope, joy, beauty, and optimism but most importantly, butterflies are thought of as being messages from heaven. They appear as positive omens from angels above. These angels are supposedly loved ones who have passed sending messages of hope and resilience. The butterflies are thought […]
A symbol of hope, change, and an emblem of a Children’s Grief Awareness Day, butterflies carry a universal meaning for all of us. We invite you to either: color in your own butterfly or construct your very own tissue paper butterfly to dedicate to the memory of someone who has died. Expressive arts, like coloring […]